Subject: ~Can Exercise Make You Fat? (Pic)

Why too much exercise makes you fat?

Was just taking time time to hang out with my daughter here... Later I'll be doing jiu jitsu, flying my plane, making soap with Lily and then sipping wine with my ultra-hottie wife.... I have all this extra time because I don't waste it in the gym.  I only spend 18 minutes a few times a week...

While I'm not nearly the fittest or strongest guy, I don't mind taking my shirt off. And my hormones aren't shoving fat into my gut and causing me to sprout tits or causing me to be diabetic like everyone else I know over 41yo.  

Here is the 18-Minute Workout…use it, please

When you read and follow the advice in this short report, it will shave YEARS of useless and ineffective exercise off your life. And you'll achieve more with less.

Let me explain.

Not all exercise is created equal.

Some types of exercise actually make you FATTER — or worse, cause you to lose muscle.

Many people believe more exercise is always better…but this simply isn't true.

The human body was designed to work INTENSELY in short bursts, a few times a week. Not every f%#king day for 45 minutes to 2 hours.

Unfortunately, endless flocks of jack@sses and self-proclaimed "fitness gurus" have flooded the internet to confuse people. Like birds, they squawk and squeak bad fitness advice left and right to anyone who will listen. Plus, people wear their hard work in the gym as a badge of honor…I'd rather wear my smarts as a badge of honor not how much time I spend in a sweaty, smelly gym!

FACT: More exercise does not equal better physique and healthier bod.

FACT: Too much exercise has been proven to destroy the body over time…just like the paint of a car gradually succumbs to rust.

This is especially true for steady-state "cardio" workouts where the intensity level doesn't change (think: jogging, treadmill, or other workouts where you're going at the same intensity the entire time.)

If you don't believe me, just look at a typical jogger's body. He or she is usually weak, frail, and skinny. All the muscle has been deteriorated and worn away, due to too many hours jogging at the same speed.

Or look at the typical person who spends 2 hours on an elliptical machine, slaving away in circles like a hamster on a wheel. These people are usually fat, frumpy, or unshapely in some way, while covering it up with an old T-shirt that's too big. Best bod not found!

As I mentioned in the 18-Minute Workout, my motivation has ALWAYS been to get more for less. If there's a shortcut for getting better results, I'm all over it.

There's just too much living to be had! Why waste it in a gym?

The key is in the intensity level of the exercise…and activating what's known as "hormesis."

Please start learning this word!  Buy the book below, get smart about hormones and HORMESIS.  It will ADD TONS of years to your lifespan!  Quality years.

Hormesis is just a fancy word for "that which does not kill you only makes you stronger. It's the process by which the human body produces one-of-a-kind, lifesaving hormones in response to small amounts of stress. These hormones are our best medicine. They also lead to our best physique (i.e., you look great naked!).

Hormesis is your #1 secret weapon for making shorter exercise periods work for you.

But you can't activate hormesis if you're slogging away on a treadmill for an hour.

Your body will only change AFTER you start exercising in short, intense bursts — in other words, after you've activated hormesis! And to do that, you must give everything you during the 18-minute workout! EVERYTHING!

If you want to learn more about your hormones and hormesis, get by diet book! It also has the workout routines and some added tips about diet and supplementation.

So stop wasting time on cardio…and discover what it REALLY takes to master your hormones through hormesis at

You'll thank me later.
Dare to Live Young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. My book may offend you, like the sunglasses above.  But, I don't care.  If you're offended, don't buy it and return to reveling in endless times wasted, crappy supplements and guru advice that should be illegal.… I don't care if you stay fat and frumpy. But if you want exercise to work for you, then you MUST understand hormesis and how hormones play a role in how fat or lean your body is. Order a copy of "The Stop Eating So F#@%ing Much" Diet and start getting lean!
The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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