Subject: Calorie Winners and Losers

What is the difference between a calorie from an Oreo cookie and a calorie from grass-fed beef?  Are they created equal?  Why or why not?

Time Magazine:  "The more low calorie (or even zero calorie) sodas and foods you consume, the more your body demands payback for the calories it was deprived." 

Common Losing Answer:  A calorie by definition is; the quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1°C from a standard initial temperature, especially from 3.98°C, 14.5°C, or 19.5°C, at 1 atmosphere pressure.  You are asking, "Which weights more a pound of rock or a pound of feathers?"  A calorie, is a calorie, is a calorie.  If your body needs 2000 calories a day to maintain your body weight and you use 2100 calories of grass fed beef, your body is still going to store 100 calories as fat.

The People's Chemist:  You are right, calories are a measure of heat, but they behave differently in the body.  Your last sentence is dead wrong.  But don't believe me on this.  Do a test.  Eat 2000 calories daily in Oreo cookies for a month.  Tell your wife to eat 2000 calories daily in grass fed beef for a month.  Here is what will happen:  You will be fat and diabetic.  She will not be.

Common Winning Answer:  The calories from an Oreo cookie cause a rise in insulin - telling the body to store fat and the brain to eat more. The calorie from grass fed beef has little effect on spiking insulin.  This allows meat eaters to feel satisfied, while ensuring that their body can release excess calories as heat - thermogenesis. - Erick Dannenberg

Learn more about curing obesity and diabetes here:


Poem gets Honorable Mention

An Oreo calorie

Wasn't meant to be

In the body at all:


A poisonous particle

Of death and sadness,

A vile product of money-madness,


A cultural artifact of a system

That must fall!


But a calorie of beef,

From nature fed,

Our ancestral sustenance,

Has always led


To joyous vigor, vital health,

And all-conquering courage,

Indeed true wealth!