Subject: ~CORRECTION: Does not need....

...Let me be clear…the human body DOES NOT need synthetic Vitamin D from a pill
or injection.

Exposing 80% of your body to SUNSHINE every other day for 20 minutes will
enable your body to naturally produce Vitamin D on its own. (Bonus: it's
free!)...and if its winter, then, well, its winter! You'll survive it!

Don't be conned into swallowing toxic Vitamin D pills…especially if
you're a woman trying to get pregnant. All it will do is cut your chances
of conceiving in half, plus set you up for a slew of side effects.

Learn more at

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Vitamin D pills, liquids and injections are killing you. But don't tell that to
the retards who are selling vitamin D "supplements"! Steer clear of these
synthetic pills. For more information on how to arm yourself against risky,
BS supplements, read Over-the-Counter Natural Cures Expanded at