Subject: CLARIFICATION: Win FREE Supplements for 60 Days!

"Yes, FREE Supplements for 60 Days"
(Win 60 Days Worth Of FREE Supplements!
Start This Week, LAST CALL, Thursday and Friday Only!)

Last week I announced a no-brainer way to get FREE supplements for 60 days.

Mass confusion has set in...emails are coming in faster than you can slap on a worthless mask walking into a Whole Foods...

"Where do I sign up?"

"How do I enter?"

"How will Shane know I'm on the program?"

"Can my cat take your supplements?"

I wish I was a good enough writer to exaggerate. 

...This is exactly why I don't see a single skinny person walking down the Las Vegas strip: people are fu@#cking lost, dazed and confused.

It's disgusting.  

Over thinking is a flaw, not an attribute.  I think about stuff for a few milliseconds, only.  It's been working great for the last 47 years.

Let me clarify:

You can either be obese, and live like that forever - always knowing you're shortening your lifespan. 

Or, be obese and actually acknowledging you need to do something about it!

That's the difference. It's a big one.

Which one are you?

Our body is a physical manifestation of how we think.

And sure, most obese people today have LOSSED at every weight loss plan they've tried.  It shows in their gut and a$$.

That's because you've been lied to and manipulated by the nutrition industry, the medical community and even your parents, who never once thought about how to protect your HORMONES!

So if you're someone who's been losing, you're 100% closer to winning than you would ever know.

Think about that for a millisecond.

I can write 5 F@#CKING books on hormones and how they've been sabotaged, ruined and manipulated from cradle to grave...and still, the mentally obese person would not dare lift a finger to read a single page...

So those books will never be written.

=====> Instead, if you "think" lean, mean and f@#cking driven, then you can start using my Hormone Intelligence Therapy (HIT) plan RIGHT now to start mastering you hormones for fat loss, muscle building and more energy.

It's a NO FAIL 30 Day Program!

Step 1: Download my FREE 18 Minute Workout App and do it Monday through Friday. (Note: It's a Fu@#ing APP.  That means you get it on your phone in the APP STORE.)

Step 2: Take 1 Thermo FX before each workout (You should workout upon wake up, like 5am)

Step 3: Take 1-2 Cinnergy on weekends

Step 4: Sleep nightly with Serotonin FX

Step 5: Don't eat anything sweet (Read that 20 times so you understand it.  Then, when you bite into that apple, read it again to KNOW it.)

Step 6: Never drink calories (I'm drinking wine right now.  That means Im drinking calories.  If I was fat and worried about what I looked like, I would not be doing this because drinking calories is awful for fat people.)

Step 7: Send me your 30-Day Before and After pics to If I use your pictures to brag about how awesome my products are (and make a lot more money) I will contact you to get you a FREE 60 day supply of supplements...and a FREE T-shirt along with a box of Castile Soap.  (If you ask for an XL, I'll tell you to f@ck off and move, sorry.)

Let me complicate this more by adding in some winning tips:  Eat only 3 meals per day spaced out by 5-6 hours.  Drink lots of purified water.  Get sunshine. If you want better digestion and want to rid yourself of GERD then add in Thermo FX PM

Offer ends March 27.  After that, you're on your own.  You'll have to simply buy the products without the promise of winning a damn thing...but with the promise of not making my eyes discharge a watery-substance every time I see herds of people waddling down the street holding 5ft long alcoholic-beverages resting on their gut...either way, you win, I get rich - to be honest.

Are there side effect?


Your spouse will actually want to F@#$ you again.

Dare to Live Young!

The People's Chemist 

The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.