Subject: ~CEO: Your Gut Needs This Fix!

Excess weight causes all kinds of problems:

Uncomfortable and embarrassing digestion problems are the norm - gas,
flatulence, abdominal pain, diarrhea and a bloating.

Then there’s side effects of meds, which just compound the problem.

Many patients get to a point where they don’t even want to go out
anymore, because they’re afraid of “nature calling.”

It’s not nature, its your weight and your meds!

Shane has been saying it for years - "Just ditch the meds!"

Anyone who has been on prescriptions of any type, indulging in alcohol
regularly or eating sugar is at risk of digestion problems in greater or
lesser degree. I’ll let you be the judge as to which degree you’re
suffering from.

Truth be told, your “gut is f@#cked”

…and it’s time you started taking Essential Greens daily!

And within a week you’ll start noticing the difference!

Essential Greens contains a proprietary blend of probiotics to help rebuild
the environment in your gut so that beneficial bacteria can survive again.
And that leads to improved digestion, less embarrassing gas and bloating
and a flatter belly as well as a stronger innate immunity.

Essential means, “absolutely necessary… indispensable”.

From the farmer’s market to you, Essential Greens delivers all the fresh
vegetables you would find at you local grower’s market. Beets, broccoli,
cabbage, kale, spinach and several other beneficial ingredients hand-picked
by The People’s Chemist for their beneficial effects on
our gut, skin, and even our DNA!

When you’re overweight - food gets impacted and trapped in your
intestines. Gut flora dies off, further worsening digestion and your own
innate immunity plummets. Digestion isn’t just about how regular you are.
This also happens when you’re too sedentary and aren’t moving around
enough, like you would for vigorous exercise.

Diet helps. Exercise helps. But when you’re already in a condition where
basic dietary changes don’t quite do enough, fast enough, then you need
to supply yourself with something essential to kickstart things into

You need Essential Greens… with the added nutrition of an entire
farmer’s market of fresh vegetables and probiotics!

It’s indispensable!

Stock up now! As CEO of The People's Chemist, I've just issued a
LOW STOCK ALERT! Learn why it's the best greens products on
the market and stock up at

Dare to start living young!
Jeff M.
CEO The People’s Chemist

P.S. TPC Essential Greens is the most INEXPENSIVE product on
the market...and the only one that's going to shock your system
with the most beneficial vegetables on Earth! Learn why it's the best
greens products on the market and stock up at