Subject: ~CEO: Vaccine Choice?

One of the most hotly debated topics among parents today is the question,
“To vaccinate, or not??”

As a parent, I’ve had to research so I could make an informed decision
for my own daughter.

My wife and I chose not to.

And we’re apparently not alone.

Refusing to vaccinate is becoming more common. Especially among the most
educated. Currently, the highest percentage of vaccine exemptions is in
Los Alamos, New Mexico, the world’s largest science center!

I don’t think it’s a coincidence. Parents are finally looking at the
facts, not the media or "checkbook science."

I don’t have to justify my decision any more than anyone else. The bottom
line is, it’s a parent’s choice. And you have to respect that - even
if you don’t agree with me.

(After all, our ancestors fought wars over the freedom to choose!)

The pharmaceutically compliant media have a different agenda. They’re
hell-bent on convincing us that without vaccines, we risk protecting others
among the “herd.”

This is a bullsh$t theory that’s never been proven.

In 3 Worst Meds (, The People’s Chemist
showed that, “In Corpus Christi, where the vaccine rate was 99%, measles
was undeterred. Scientists writing for The New England Journal of Medicine
documented the spread of an outbreak among adolescents who had
received their shots. The scientists found that, 'outbreaks of measles
can occur in secondary schools, even when more than 99 percent of the
students have been vaccinated and more than 95 percent are immune.”

Therefore, despite being vaccinated, there was no “herd immunity.”
There are hundreds of studies throughout history that support this, as

And that’s why vaccine makers have to spend 10’s of millions of dollars
to try to convince you that their vaccines are not only safe - but
effective. They know they’re not.

The flu vaccine is also notoriously ineffective. The Centers for Disease
Control (CDC) published that, “recent studies show that flu vaccination
reduces the risk of flu illness by between 40% and 60%.”

Considering the published side effects of Guillain-Barré (GBS), an
autoimmune disorder in which the immune system attacks healthy nerve cells
in your peripheral nervous system, I’ll take my chances with my own
immunity - innate immunity. (The CDC warns that “Evidence for a causal
relation of GBS with subsequent vaccines prepared from other influenza
viruses is unclear.”)

Innate immunity is the only immunity there is.

Without it, it doesn’t matter how strong your neighbor’s immunity is or
the guy standing next to you nor the rest of the people in your workplace
or school.

If your own immune system is weak - you’re screwed! And your neighbor’s
or co-worker’s or schoolmate’s immune system isn’t going to save you.

You’re going to get sick and it’s not going to be someone else’s
fault. It’s your own, weak immunity that opened that door.

As CEO of The People’s Chemist, I’ve seen how our natural immune
booster, Immune FX has saved tens of thousands from having weak immunity!

Immune FX strengthens your own innate immunity, so you don’t have to rely
on anyone else’s. If your own immune system is strong, then you’re a
lot less likely to come down with something, even if everyone around you is
dropping like flies.


Immune FX has become the hardest product to keep in stock, because
people are wising up to the fact that whether or not they get sick has everything to
do with the strength of their own immunity and not whether or not their
friends have been vaccinated.

Surprisingly, the US government puts aside a mountain of money to
compensate anyone who is harmed by vaccines.

Why would that be necessary, if they are in fact safe and effective?

Even more suspicious, The Journal of the American Medical Association
published an article that points out, vaccine makers are indemnified
(protected from fault or harm or loss) by the government! In other words,
even if an injury occurs, the vaccine makers don’t have to defend a damn

“Protection money” at its’ finest. And if you ever needed proof that
the government, Big Pharma and Wall Street are all sleeping in the same
bed, now you have it.

This is what has become of the country my father fought for in WWII. A
country that won’t even investigate a wrongful injury of their children
and grandchildren caused by vaccine failure - the makers of which the
government protects from fault or loss or harm.

That - is Treason.

Why? For profit. The money is so good there’s plenty of it to go around -
everyone gets paid to look the other way - even you!

You’re only hope against illness and disease is a strong, innate

Your neighbors, co-workers and schoolmates’ immunity isn’t going to
help you…

And the government sure as hell isn’t going to help you…

Help yourself at

Jeff M.
CEO The People’s Chemist

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