Subject: CEO: This Milk Thistle Combo WILL Save You. But...

People get amazing results just from taking Cinnergy.

As the CEO, I've seen it for almost a decade!

But, you can't expect miraculous results.

In other words, if you're diabetic now, with high blood sugar and
take Cinnergy, you can't expect it to lower it within the next few
hours just because you started eating "salad" or "going keto" or
whatever unsustainable diet you decide on THAT day!

Here's my point:

It's not today's salad that's causing the high numbers. It's the bad
diet from the last 5, 10 or even 20 yrs that's killing you!

The pancreas simply doesn't respond over night.

It takes a while…

To save yourself, you need Cinnergy (
and you need to start eating a diet that you ENJOY! You need
to start a workout that doesn't take a lot of need to
wake up and start using all the things The People's Chemist
is teaching you!

Some people simply need to get out of their own way.

Read and start using

Diabetes is not a bacterial nor viral disease. It’s not something you inherit
from your parents or pick up from a dirty doorknob.

It comes from a long, unchanged diet of too much sugar, artificial sugar,
pharmafoods and not enough exercise.

Cinnergy helps to vacuum up the current sugar - but it takes the pancreas
a little longer to bounce back from the years and years of abuse.

You can take it or leave it. But it's all true. Only you can reverse diabetes.

Start now at

There's no medication interactions!!!!! And it goes GREAT with

I want to encourage you to start somewhere.

Try to do the 18 Min Workout Starter routine and take it at the pace you
can handle. Even if you can only do 5 reps a minute. That’s OK! That’s a start!

And that will help! See

Dare to Ditch the Meds!
Jeff M.
CEO The People’s Chemist