Subject: CEO: "The Three Worst Meds"

We are leading 2017 with a brand new website!

Did you notice!?

Shane started The People’s Chemist 15 years ago to help people get
off their meds so they could live a healthier more active lifestyle.

It’s been working.

To help us even more, he wrote a new Fact Sheet: The 3 Worst Meds.

Even better, it’s free!

That’s how bad the 3 worst meds are! Share this!

An excerpt shows that hardest thing about writing it:

“The hardest part about writing The 3 Worst Meds was identifying the 3
worst meds. It’s like trying to decide who's worse, Hitler or Stalin?
Birth control, antidepressants, antibiotics, stimulants for ADHD, anti-
anxiety meds, insulin and pain meds dominate most peoples’ lives.
The weight gain, depression, loss of memory, lack of drive and
motivation is all explained by the use of today’s mandated
addiction to meds.”

“Doctors present their prescriptions as scientifically proven "solutions" to
imminent health problems despite mile-long lists of side effects and
decades of failure. Yet, these still aren’t “the 3 worst meds!”

“The 3 worst meds are those that are commonly sold under the guise of
necessity…they’re pushed as daily requirements for healthy living - as
if they were vitamins, when in fact -outside of an emergency- nobody
needs them…”

Learn what they are by clicking here:

No one is too old to live young!

It’s time to ditch the meds.

Live Young!
Jeff Milano
CEO The People’s Chemist