Subject: ~CEO: The Fastest Way to Lower Your Sugar Levels!


All across the country.

People are discovering the anti-diabetic power of Cinnergy!

Sometimes taken as little as once per day, it can reverse
high blood sugar in less than a month!

Designed by The People's Chemist, Cinnergy is the world's most potent
and purest form of true cinnamon and milk thistle…3-5 times more powerful than
anything on the market, it works fast and is free of side effects.

It doesn't matter your age or the severity of your diabetes, everyone is
having success with it.

And, you'd be shocked that some people are only taking it once per week
and seeing results in 14 days!

It's that effective.

From everyday people, to medical doctors and even children, thousands of
people are able to get off their meds and take Cinnergy, instead!

This new 2 minute vid shows how Kim used Cinnergy to lose dozens of pounds
and lower her:

- Blood sugar
- Triglycerides
- And her A1C

Take just a few minutes to hear her story at:

As the CEO of The People's Chemist, I first discovered the powerful
effects of Cinnergy for myself 8 years ago. It changed my future forever,
as I was already a sugar addict and suffering the early side effects of
"bad blood.”

All of that vanished months after starting Cinnergy.

And just like Kim, I never had to worry about side effects from meds or
suffering from the debilitating effects of high blood sugar such as:

- Obesity
- Heart Disease,
- Cancer
- Memory loss
- Dementia
- Alzheimer's Disease

Watch this short story at and make sure you
put Cinnergy to work for you at

Sincerely yours,

Jeff M.
CEO The People's Chemist

P.S. Cinnergy is currently flying out of our warehouses at breakneck
speeds! Both our Los Angeles and Chicago fulfillment centers are on low
stock alert, along with Daily Dose. Stock up at