Subject: ~CEO: Skipping Breakfast Making You Fat?

In his bestselling book, The Stop Eating So F@#cking Much Diet, The
People’s Chemist teaches that skipping breakfast causes weight gain.

And it does. I’ve been victim to it, even as the CEO of The People's

I never thought that by essentially eating less (skipping breakfast) that
you would gain weight.

But as TPC shows, it’s all about hormones!

It’s called “The Dawn Effect.” When you wake up, your body is in a
fasting state. To compensate for the lack of food, your liver releases a
natural sugar known as glucose.

Who knew?

Glucose is great for causing fat storage. It raises insulin and lowers
testosterone and glucagon.

Both of those are vital for keeping your manhood fully in tact. Women need
it too.

Testosterone and glucagon force muscles to use calories for growth and
recovery, not storage.

But when you have glucose being released, you’re just storing fat.

Men store it in their belly, women on their backside. When this becomes
habitual, it’s called hormonal ignorance. Your body begins to lose its
hormone balance, output and sensitivity (BOS).

The remedy is hormone intelligence therapy (HIT) as outlined in The Stop
Eating So F@#cking Much Diet. That begins with eating a sugar-free
breakfast to halt The Dawn Effect, immediately upon waking!

The best way to do that is by consuming the a “nutrient bomb” for
breakfast, which is typically a scoop of TPC Essential Greens, unsweetened
yoghurt with blueberries and one egg, any style.

Once done, wait for the “nutrient rush!”

As these nutrients bombard your body for the next 5-6 hours you’re going
to feel more focused and energized. But that’s not all.

TPC Essential Greens is the only product in the world that provides all the
organic vegetables you need to:

Increase bone density
Have vibrant looking skin
Control blood sugar
Help proper digestion
Reverse hormonal ignorance

It’s also your best source of vitamins C & K!

What better way to start the day?

It even contains a proprietary blend of probiotics. The more probiotics you
provide your body with, the healthier you’ll be, which we all know…

If you can’t find it on the farm, you won’t see it in Essential Greens.

Order today and we will toss in The People’s Chemist Lab Report #1, which
outlines the safest bathroom products for you and your family! This
testing alone costs tens-of-thousands of dollars in laboratory time, but is YOURS

Simply invest in your hormones and start using TPC Essential Greens and get
The People’s Chemist Lab Report #1 delivered instantly on checkout, FREE

Yours in health,

Jeff M.
CEO The People's Chemist

P.S. Order 3 and we will automatically take 15% off and ship for FREE!
Go to to order now.