Subject: CEO: My Family and the Coronavirus

My friend just told me there’s a new Sirius XM station dedicated to

We both thought it was the 2nd stupidest thing we heard all day.

The first one was a coronavirus WhatsApp group being shared in my neighborhood.

Do you think they were telling listeners not to worry?


More like, Come Get Yer Meds!

It makes me wonder how many doctors actually care about facts, over
profit opportunities.

I’m not being silent… I’m probably going to lose some friends. But,
it’s OK.

If the medical community cared about our health, they would be
hyping pollution, insecticides being sprayed on food, weed killers covering
playgrounds and the current sugar epidemic thats putting people in early
graves faster than any virus....

I refuse to add to the hysteria, but full disclosure, I was partying all
night on a Brooklyn rooftop for Y2K. I made jokes about bird flu. I never
figured out what SARS stood for. I don’t get the flu and I rarely get a
cold. Nothing fazes me in the media.

That’s who I am.

I measure my health by how I feel. I don’t wait for someone to tell me,
how I feel.

If you turn off the f@#cking media for two days, you wont see ANYTHING
related to coronavirus in real life.

Try it and prove me wrong!

Coronavirus is a coordinated effort to cause global hysteria.

Maybe I’ll start a menopause station.

Spend a few months doing press releases about the dangers of mistreating
it. The horrors of living with it. Get tragic photos of women looking
miserable - getting hot flashes while shopping at Lululemon - struggling
into form-fitting clothes without a form to fit into…

Report on a lack of research. Raise questions about deaths from other
causes, as being the result of mistreated menopause. Get interviewed by The
View and host a Meno-Con (Menopause Congress).

Someplace cold.

Interview women going through it. Edge-of-your-seat entertainment.
“Riveting”, the NYT will say.

Every pharmaceutical company that makes thyroid meds, HRT and bioidenticals
will be throwing more ad money at me than I’d know what to do with. I’d
be a multi-millionaire by the summer and I’ve have the hottest radio
station in the world. Translated into every spoken language.

Are you seeing the PICTURE?????

That’s the playbook. Name a new virus or disease or coded
condition and it’s paint-by-numbers - connect-the-dots - follow the

You and I and everyone we love, are the losers. Pharmaceutical CEOs, their
boards, their shareholders are the winners.

I’m done losing - that’s why I’m the TPC CEO.

Don’t fall for it.

You matter. Your dreams matter. Your children matter. How healthy you are
is what matters. The things that have always been important to you, are the
things that matter.

Go live your life!

Coronavirus doesn’t matter any more than the common cold should matter to
you. Get on with your lives. And if you want to fight against something,
battle ignorance and fake news.

Take care of your health, by all means. Become more active. Strengthen your
immunity. If you wonder if it’s up for this fight, and
read Over-The-Counter Natural Cures Expanded ( to find out
how to beat illness without antibiotics and vaccines.

Jeff Milano
CEO The People’s Chemist

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