Subject: ~CEO: Lose 7 lbs in Two Weeks and Get More Energy (Not a Sales Ploy!)

Happy Monday, Friend,

Quick question...

What if there was a short but intense workout that gave you more energy,
focus and strength in only two weeks?

Could you buckle down and make it happen?

One recent fan did.

Abandoning his usual 45 minute routine, he opted for 18-Minute Workout,
designed by The People's Chemist.

After just two weeks he emailed me to say, "I lost 7 lbs of belly fat and
doubled my strength!"

But that’s not the best part.

People starting noticing how much younger he looked!

As a medicinal chemist specializing in hormones, and a lifetime athlete,
Shane designed The 18-Minute workout to activate hormesis. Don’t worry
about the biobabble…It’s simple to understand.

The word “hormesis” is derived from a Greek word, which means to
stimulate or to set into motion. It is an evolutionary adaptive response,
whereby a positive and beneficial result is achieved from low-dose exposure
to an agent that is toxic or even lethal at higher doses.

Your goal with exercise is to harness the biological phenomenon of hormesis
to produce positive adaptive changes. Anything else is just a waste of
time, or worse, a waste of health.

An adaptive response is a change that your body makes after confronting a
challenge. This is a survival mechanism that’s hardwired into your
genetics...and the 18-Minute Workout activates it in spades!!!! Doing so
sculpts out a stronger, younger version of you.

See Shane’s new video:

Here’s the workout absolutely FREE:

I challenge you to try it for 2 wks!

Jeff M.
CEO The People’s Chemist

P.S. There's also a truly natural supplement that activates hormesis: Cinnergy!
Designed and developed by The People's Chemist, it was one of his
Crown Jewels as a bench chemist for Big Pharma! Companies have
literally tried to copy it, steal it and have even named products after it
to ride the wave of popularity! Cinnergy lowers triglycerides, glucose, A1C and
crushes sugar cravings. It works better than insulin, metformin and
any other drug your doctor wants to throw at you! The bad news is
we only have two week supply left: - activate
hormesis now!