Subject: ~CEO LOW STOCK ALERT: Alternative to Mandatory Vaccines?

CEO Warning: Mandatory Vaccines
Over a decade ago, The People's Chemist told you that the Gates Foundation was pushing for mandatory vaccines…even though clean water, proper sanitation, soap and nutrition proved to be more effective than shots at boosting immunity and keeping you alive!

Don't think for one moment that it's just Bill Gates pushing that agenda!

The Gates Foundation involves many people, partners and organizations. Its main goal is to push governments around the world to pay for vaccinating the masses - in the name of health.

Owner of Amazon and Whole Foods, Jeff Bezos is on board, too!

The billionaires club just announced:

"Washington (AFP) - The wealthy Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation called Wednesday for global cooperation to ready COVID-19 vaccines for seven billion people, while offering $150 million toward developing therapeutics and treatments for the virus."

Fact: No vaccine will ever stop infectious diseases from breeding in toxic water, lack of sanitation, dirty hospitals, filthy hands or a malnourished body!

And no chemist, doctor, virologist, bacteriologist or immunologist in their right mind could say that it does.

Remember that!

But, there's no money in clean water, nutrition and soap. The only return is the satisfaction of raising mankind's standard of health, living and self-respect.

That's why private organizations, fueled by Big Pharma only care about vaccines.

It's always about big money.

It's easier to just jab someone with a needle and fly home a lot richer on your private jet...

Better yet, get some altruistic doctor to do it for you, for free. #DoctorswithoutBorders

According to a article from January 21, 2016, "…pharmaceutical corporations who produce vaccines will reach an estimated $61 billion in profits by 2020."

For every $1 spent, the manufacturers get back $44.

Now, while the mainstream media is busy scaring everyone with COVID-19, some billionaires with nothing better to do, are playing chess with our future and our politics.

There's no money in creating hysteria, unless you use it to create demand for something very profitable like a vaccine.

What if the more than 2,000 billionaires worldwide helped poverty-stricken areas develop clean water, better sanitation, good cleaning practices, and sustainable farming?

That's a better game. Everyone wins.

Giving someone a vaccine, but returning them to an area that lacks clean water, proper sanitation, soap and basic nutritional resources is just greed manifested.

It's criminal, because it ignores the cause of infectious disease.

Instead of scheming for profits on another vaccine failure against a 98.8% recovery rate… wouldn't it make more sense to help boost natural immunity?

A strong, responsive immune system is superior to any medication or vaccine. Because without that - nothing will help you. is what I trust and use for my family.

I don't trust it because I sell it.

I sell it because I trust it and have been using it for a decade!

Protect your family!  Learn more at


Don't let others rewrite your history,

Jeff Milano
CEO The People's Chemist
The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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