Subject: CEO: Hawthorn Protecting Your Blood?


I don't usually work on Sunday, but I had to send out a company

…people are ditching blood thinners in record numbers for Cardio FX.

And our supply has hit rock bottom.

Good news, all current orders are shipping.

But, I’ve got to get manufacturing updates from Shane and prepare our
shipping house for low to no stock.

Everyone’s going to hit the ground running on Monday.

I'm telling you this because if you’re currently taking blood thinners
“like vitamins,” then you’ll want to take Shane’s advice.

“Prescription blood thinners were never meant for daily use. Your body
can regulate clotting naturally when you have nutrient logic. For blood,
you want hawthorn!”

As, The People's Chemist, he’s been writing about the dangers of blood
thinners for over a decade.

And two recent studies add to the well-known risks!

"The concurrent use of prescription blood thinners may cause increased
risk of major bleeding," said study lead researcher Dr. Shang-Hung Chang,
an associate professor of cardiology with Chang Gung Memorial Hospital
in Taoyuan, Taiwan.

Meanwhile, another study found that blood thinners can greatly increase a
person's risk of finding blood in their urine, a sign of much worse to

“Users might unnecessarily wind up in the hospital or emergency room, or
undergo an unneeded invasive procedure,” warned senior researcher Dr.
Robert Nam, a professor of surgery and head of genitourinary oncology
with Sunnybrook Health Sciences Center in Toronto.

If you want to bust unruly blood clots…

If you're bruising easily from your blood thinners…

If you're in a medicated head fog and lacking energy from blood

This could be your last chance to protect yourself.

All you need to do is start taking 3 Cardio FX morning and night:

Add three to your cart and save 15% automatically.

Read all the science and the details about Cardio FX at

Yours in living young,

CEO The People’s Chemist

P.S. Watch Shane’s new Case Study to see how the blood tests turned out
after a fan switched from coumadin to Cardio FX:

Don't miss that 3 minute vid!!!!!!!