Subject: CEO: Are Your Meds Helping Your Immune System?

Be Ready to Attack!

Science is based on natural laws. And as written in 3 Worst Meds, by The People's Chemist, it only takes one person to verify it!

I've been the CEO for TPC for almost a decade.  And during that time, I've been Shane's co-pilot and his business partner...we've flown across the country and even surfed the sky over the Rocky Mountains....and just like flying, medicine has no room for error.

Natural laws are based on observation - not what people think or are paid to write.

Western Medicine insists meds are the solution, but if meds are not helping you get healthier, then what is your observation telling you?

Gravity exists regardless of whether you believe in God, or not.

Tides ebb and flood regardless of your religion, politics or race.

Photosynthesis turns sunlight into energy whether you have a green thumb, or not.

Gravity, tides, photosynthesis and thousands of other phenomena are examples of natural laws and nothing anyone asserts or thinks, changes them.

The human body and how it works are also based on natural laws, but its health can be improved beyond its basic functions.

Your immune system goes into ACTION when a “not-self” substance enters your body's front door (ears, eyes, nose or mouth).

You improve it the same way you increase your ability to do anything - by PRACTICE!

That's what playing outside in the dirt and childhood illnesses are for. Dirty hands lead to getting sick. Then, you get well and your immune system is stronger for it.

It works best in a challenging environment.

The human body was designed to have its life threatened 3 times a day. When that's happening man, you feel ALIVE!

Over time, your immune system works like a battalion of battle-hardened Rangers & Seals, protecting you around the clock.

But you can't stay penned up, afraid of germs, constantly cleaning everything and then expect it to work when you're suddenly exposed to something.

You know what stays penned up for their own good?

Sheep, cows, pigs and chickens… Livestock lines up for their shots, food and water and their eventual slaughter.

When the Lame Stream Media begins making you feel half-awake & hypnotized, waiting for the next command… Get out and walk around!

Hang on to your ability to observe and question. That's the only way to clear away the confusion of misinformation and fake news. Stay sharp!

=====> If you want a stronger, more responsive immune system, then get outside and keep on hand.

=====> Buy 3 and get 15% off - while supplies last!

This has been the hardest product to keep in stock, because fans know that no matter what may sneak in their front door - is their first line of defense!

Think of it as your very own bottle of Army Rangers and Navy Seals, ready to attack!!

Don't be livestock!
Jeff Milano

The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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