Subject: CEO: Are We Shipping for FREE?


Our #1 goal at The People's is to help you
ditch the meds so you can live a healthier, more active life.

To do that, we need to produce the best medicine that nature provides.
But, we must also have to make it as easy as possible for you to obtain
Shane's creations!

As a former medicinal chemist for Big Pharma, his life work is put
into every product!

And the results show how valuable this is.

I just received this email today:

"I want to let you know I started the Cinnergy several months ago, based on
a friend’s recommendation. After being on metformin for PCOS (polycystic
ovarian syndrome) and pre-diabetic for several years, I was skeptical at
first. But, after weighing the pros and cons, I stopped my metformin
completely and started taking the Cinnergy."

"After 3 months of taking the product once a day in the am, I went back to
my Dr. for another A1C blood test. Boy, was I shocked by the results!"

"This morning my Dr. said, congratulations, you are no longer pre-diabetic!"

"My A1C level went from 6.8 to 5.4 in just three months. The look
on my Dr’s face when I divulged that I had stopped taking metformin of my
own accord and started taking Cinnergy, was priceless!"

...we get these ALL the time!

Pre-diabetes and full on diabetes WIPED OUT!

I don't have a background in medicine. I'm a business guy.

When I started working with Shane, I had heard his stories of curing
diabetes, heart disease and cancer. But when you see them first hand
over the years, it's very exciting!

Therefore, to help more people access our products and live young, we
are shipping ALL domestic orders over $50 for FREE!

That's right, no shipping for anything over $50.

Stock up on Cinnergy ( and add Shane's new
hardcover, 3 Worst Meds, to your cart and I'll wipe out the shipping fees!

...get whatever you need at and
don't worry about the addd delivery fees!

Here's to living young!

CEO The People's Chemist

P.S. If you're suffering from sugar eating side effects like high blood
sugar and A1C, you need Cinnergy (! Protect
yourself without the worry of medication interactions or side effects.
It's best combined with Daily Dose and Whey Advanced. Learn more

AND GET THE NEW BOOK!!!!!! 3 Worst Meds is a true page turner!
If you already have it, leave your review on AMAZON!