Subject: CEO Answers FAQ about his favorite cure...


Immune FX is my favorite creation of The People’s Chemist.

If unfamiliar, watch this 1-minute video to see how to protects you, even when everyone around you is sick:

Even though I rarely get ill, I have been plagued with severe allergies to pollen for most of my life. Besides just helping you to recover from colds and flu, Immune FX is great for managing dreadful allergies! Now, I recommend Immune FX to all of my friends and family.

Just like you, I’m skeptical. But as the CEO of The People’s Chemist, I’ve become a product of our product...And the measurable results have been phenomenal!

I wanted to provide you with some FAQ on Immune FX so you would understand this product better...

Is Immune FX a supplement that I have to take every day in order to avoid getting sick or having an allergic reaction?

No. Immune FX isn’t a daily supplement that you would take as a preventive. Think of it as natural medicine. You wouldn’t take medicine every day to prevent illness. You would take it to avoid getting worse. Similarly, keep plenty of Immune FX on hand, so at the first sign of an allergy or that “I may be coming down with something” feeling, you have it to take. That’s when it goes to work - when there’s something foreign in your body that your immune system needs a little extra help fighting.

Is it safe enough for children?

Yes. As long as long as they can swallow a capsule. Children should just take half the adult dose - 1 capsule, instead of 2.

What if my child can’t swallow a capsule - can I empty the capsule into a drink or yogurt?

The simple answer is, you can. However, the ingredients in Immune FX happen to taste particularly awful. It does not mix well in liquid and the taste is not easily hidden in anything. You might be able to conceal the taste in yogurt with maple syrup - but, it’s a long shot. Don’t say we didn’t warn you.

How exactly would I know whether or not to take Immune FX?

You could take Immune FX when you have a flu, strep throat, pneumonia or any other respiratory-type infection to help you recover faster. Immune FX is not designed for belly aches, gangrene or whine flu.

This is the first natural, non-toxic medicine available to actually help people overcome a cold faster without any side effects or drowsiness.

It can also help with allergies.

Most people - including the CEO - have found that their air-borne allergies are much easier to manage with Immune FX. Unlike common medications, it helps remove biological nasties and works with the body’s own natural defenses, without suppressing other functions.

So technically, you could take it daily if you are taking part in something that weakens immunity, like stress, excess exercise or working in a hospital.

How will I know if I need to take more?

As your body’s immune response kicks into a higher gear, you should start to feel better within a day or two. The natural ingredients in Immune FX can help to remove “biological nasties” from your body, so you spend less time feeling sick and more time living young. If you feel dehydrated or have a dry mouth, you took too much - give yourself a break and drink plenty of purified water.

Can I take this if I’m pregnant or nursing?

No. You do not want to divert energy away from the vital processes of birth or breast-feeding. If you become ill during this period, you should seek the advice of your OB-GYN.

Is there anything else I should do in conjunction with taking Immune FX?

Yes. There is a whole chapter dedicated to overcoming illness safely and naturally in the award-winning book, Over-The-Counter Natural Cures. You should buy it, read it and be sure to apply everything laid out in chapter 6. There are some simple, but powerful, steps to follow that will shock you.

Can I take Immune FX with medication?


Since the usage does not specify, should I take Immune FX with food or on an empty stomach?

Take it after a meal.

At The People’s we live and die for measurable results. Whether its how many ounces of wine are required to get a good buzz, or how many training sessions it takes Shane to win BJJ Worlds, each and every one of our products are designed to have POSITIVE measurable outcomes.

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Dare to Live Young!
Shane Ellison
The People’s Chemist
The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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