Subject: ~CEO: All New, No-Excuses Fat Loss Offer! (17 Hours Left!)

As the CEO of The People’s Chemist, I’m often accused of being a
"health nut.”

I'm not...

At 54 years old, I’m a beach bum who loves boating and cooking meat on my
Argentinian grill.

I play blackjack, drink whisky, and smoke Cuban cigars with my friends.

Prior to meeting The People’s Chemist and becoming CEO, I couldn’t have
told you the difference between Hormone Intelligence Therapy (HIT) and
bioidentical hormones…

But today, I’m all about mastering my hormones, so I can live young!

This knowledge helped me overcome a lifetime of hypoglycemia, low
energy, and "skinny-fat!" And now, in my fifties I'm sporting more muscle
than ever...and I'm the first one to take off my shirt when we hit the beach.

As my peers get “older” before their time, I simply “age”

When people ask me, “What would you recommend as the best exercise?” I
tell them, “It’s not about exercising! It’s about mastering your

I don’t have high blood pressure or high blood sugar.

I don’t suffer from memory loss, sore joints, or lack of muscle.

I don’t get gout, nor do I have poor eyesight, or suffer from aging skin
and wrinkles.

Yet most emails I receive are from people in their 30s who insist that
their weight gain or lack of energy is part of “getting old.”

I call bull$hit.

You’ve just been treating your body like a dumpster for too long.

Your weight gain and lack of energy comes from horrific diets, sugar,
medications, and sitting on your a$$ too much.

You can tweet that. (Or better yet, don’t.)

Stop. Making. Excuses.

You can’t change your biological age, but you CAN change your daily
habits — and that will improve your health!

Instead of wondering about exercise and blaming your birth date, you need
to get curious about hormones and how to master them with The People’s
Chemist “No Excuses Fat Loss Offer.”

It’s not hard!

In fact, it's only 6 habits and doing them daily will bring you your best physique and
health in about 90 days! But, you'll see results in as little as 9 days!

The habits are all spelled out in “The Stop Eating So F#@%ing Much
Diet,” written by The People’s Chemist. (I’ve watched this program
cure cancer, heart disease, and diabetes while helping users shed over 100

I’ll be honest, even if you’re a slacker and only do 3 of the 6
habits… you’ll still be far healthier and live much longer than your
former, excuse-making self who is on the fast track to an early grave…

I mean hell, like I said, I still drink, smoke the occasional cigar, and
enjoy my Argentinian grill…which means even I’m “eating too f@#cking
much” every now and then!

Does it sound like I’m sacrificing or depriving myself?

And neither is The People’s Chemist!

In fact, right now, Shane is finishing up a trip in Las Vegas to celebrate
his 23rd wedding anniversary. I guarantee you he’s drinking too much,
eating too much, and not getting enough sleep…but on Monday he’ll be
back to jiu-jitsu, flexing in the gym, and “swearing too much in his

…and that’s because we ALL follow the 6 habits of Hormone Intelligence

The habits work. There’s no excuse not to start applying them TODAY!

If you don’t like how your clothes fit… If you can’t talk and walk
fast at the same time without losing your breath — then you NEED need to
master your hormones! They’re outta control!

It’s easy!

This is not some pre-packaged franken-food delivery system or an index file
of vegan recipes…it’s not workouts that take 2 hours out of your day.

It’s a simple program based on habits. Anyone with a pulse can do it.

You can’t cheat death…but that doesn’t mean you have to spend half
your life feeling like you’re dying prematurely.

Stop making excuses that don’t result in better health!

For the next 17 hours, we’re offering you our “No Excuses Fat Loss
Offer” for 20% off the normal price…but also throwing on all the education
for FREE!

The totals cost average just over $4 per get everything you need to master your
hormones once and for all!

You’ll get:

Daytime fat burner (Thermo FX AM)
Nighttime fat burner (Thermo FX PM)
All-natural sleep pill (Serotonin FX), so you can sleep like a drunken bum!
A copy of Shane’s book, The "Stop Eating So F#@%ing Much Diet” (FREE)
“8 Weight Loss Lies That Can Permanently Harm You” audio CD! (BONUS!)

This is YOUR life boat!

Get the “No Excuses Fat Loss Offer” here:

This offer ends in 17 hours. I can’t imagine why anyone would turn down
this opportunity to master their health. (If that’s you, then why the
hell are you still reading?!)

If you’re ready to tell the cartel “hell no,” take advantage of this
offer now before it’s too late:

Dare to live young!

Jeff M.
CEO The People’s Chemist

P.S. The “No Excuses Fat Loss Offer” is for those who are ready to shed
fat, get their best physique, slow the aging process, and live young!

Get 20% off everything in the package! Offer expires in 17 hours.

Order here: