Subject: CEO Alert on Price Increase and Vanilla Whey!


In Medical News Today, a headline read, “Link observed between
waist size and noise pollution…”

In The New York Times, journalists encouraged parents to "feed their kids
Jiffy to stop allergies."

And Reuters insists that we all need vaccines from cradle to grave.

I’m Jeff, the CEO of The People’s Chemist and I’m disgusted.

The problem isn’t noise, lack of Jiffy or under-vaccination.

It’s prescription drugs!

That’s what The People’s Chemist is all about: Getting you off
drugs so you can live a healthier, more active lifestyle.

We address the real problems and fix them.

We’ve been doing this for over a decade.

Whether it’s watching your blood pressure plummet or your belly fat incinerate
or your sugar levels rebound to normal, The People’s Chemist always delivers.

The difference is simple.

Our products work because they contain the active ingredients your body
needs - the same way it needs air.

And we don’t use inferior copy-cats of nature or magnesium stearate…And
we always test for actives. More important, each capsule undergoes
rigorous tests to ensure that they’re free of heavy metals as well as bacterial
and viral infection.

Nobody in the industry does this.

…That’s how we make it easy to get people off their damn drugs!

Our growth has been staggering.

To ensure that we’re able to provide the same quality, we’re forced to
increase prices. Quality control, employees and a slew of other departments
are growing so that we can keep you living young.

(Don't forget, Shane started this business with his wife and they ran it
themselves. Well, now, we sell worldwide. If we don't accommodate for
growth, some of you won't get any products.)

On select items starting July 1.

Now pay attention. Don’t say I didn’t warn you:

Immune FX $39.95

Whey Advanced $79.95

Cardio FX $59.95

Note that we are still, pill for pill, scoop for scoop, less than anyone else
when you consider the potency of each capsule!

If it were up to Shane, former chemist for Big Pharma, the prices would be
doubled. I guess when you’ve studied every drug on the market and
understand how miraculous your products are in comparison, you get a bit

Fortunately you have me as a buffer.

Plus, Shane dedicated nearly a decade writing, Over-The-Counter Natural
Cures, which highlights less expensive alternatives…While they don’t
come with the same guarantees, potency or peace-of-mind, they’re still
better than meds!

I guess they “don’t call him The People’s Chemist for nothing!”

Wait, there’s more!

I’ve seen your emails about wanting a different flavor of Whey Advanced.

It’s not as easy as it sounds. Masking the flavor of raw amino acids and
protein is no easy task. Every single other wanna-be provider does it with
sugar or artificial flavors. We have finally done it using stevia and real
vanilla bean! It took Shane two years to perfect this and it’s amazing.
In fact, this new formula is “Skyler approved!” That means is
Shane’s 1-year old likes it, then it’s GREAT!

Thus, Whey Advanced Vanilla Bean will be released in a matter of weeks!

Currently, we are sold out of The AM-PM Fat Loss Package and Whey

To live young, stock up on all other items at

If you wait, you’ll have to pay more.

But don’t worry, I guarantee you that it’s worth every penny! And
I’ll make sure Shane doesn't DOUBLE the prices.

Yours in Living Young,

Jeff M.
CEO The People’s