Subject: ~CEO Alert: Blood Thinner Tragedy Narrowly Avoided


If you suspect that aspirin, Plavix, Coumadin and the like are "melting
your insides," I want you to know that you're right!

I'm Jeff, the CEO of The People's Chemist.

For over 8 years, I've seen The People's Chemist's research on
prescription blood thinners save thousands.

I've also seen people ignore his their sad demise.

In Over-The-Counter Natural Cures Expanded, he said,

"Anti-clotting drugs and hypertension meds (referred to here as
cardiovascular drugs) are marvels of modern medicine. In times of
emergency, they have served as miracle workers by rescuing
millions of lives from the grips of sudden heart attack and stroke.

"Witnessing the miracles, Big Pharma and doctors have enthusiastically
begun to treat cardiovascular drugs as vitamins—dishing them out for
daily use among the middle-aged and elderly. Under this enthusiasm simmers
a cold, hard fact: cardiovascular drugs are not vitamins. And treating them
as such can lead to grim outcomes."

"Fortunately, there’s a safe alternative that doesn’t require a
prescription or health insurance."

I'm writing today to warn you again about blood thinners, while also
sharing what happens when you ditch the meds!

Take 3 minutes to watch, "Case Study #4: Blood Thinners Almost
Ruined My Life...

There's a better way than meds:

Share this urgent message with your friends, family and more.


Jeff Milano
CEO The People's Chemist

P.S. Leave your comments on Youtube after watching: