Subject: ~CEO: 3 Worst Meds Hardcover!

I'm Jeff, the CEO of The People's For the last 8 years, I've
had the pleasure of watching tens-of-thousands of people ditch their meds.

The outcome has been extraordinary.

Previously destined to a life of side-effects, former medication users began
living healthier, more active lives.

Some took dream vacations.

Some got their dream job.

Some built airplanes and learned to fly.

Still though, according to the Lancet medical journal, and the Journal
of the American Medical Association (JAMA), common medications, when
used properly, are triggering hundreds of thousands of deaths.

For decades, the body count from prescription drugs has been growing.

That's a hefty price to pay for "health care."

Especially since there's natural ways of curbing today's biggest health

Shane Ellison, chemist and founder, has been warning people for over
15 years.

And on May 1, he's releasing his biggest alert yet, 3 Worst Meds (Hardcover)

...if you or anyone you know is taking even a single medication, you'll want
to get a copy!

Stay tuned for details...if you're a current fan, there will be a discount
opportunity along with bonus offers for anyone who purchases 2 or more

Think rebellion here....

We are going to need your help in getting this message out.

In fact, it's rumored that will close down
completely to focus solely on book promotion...

After all, you can't be on meds and healthy at the same time.

Dare to ditch the meds,

Jeff M.

P.S. Healthcare is a billion dollar booby trap that's set to steal your
health and wealth. 3 Worst Meds is the remedy. In addition to
highlighting natural alternatives, it also shows you the Quality Control
results from each alternative suggested - exposing the good and bad
of the "vitamin world."

Shane's state-of-the-art testing methods are the same ones he used as a
bench chemist for Big Pharma. As part of our Blue Diamond Series, he
has included all the test results free of charge (see last chapter)!
A matter of life and death, this type of razor-sharp laboratory precision is
glossed over or even left out by doctors and online vitamin hucksters.