Subject: CEO: 10 Pounds in 30 Days?

YES! 10 pounds in 30 days is possible!


The New York Times recently alerted readers that the, “Mind May Trump
DNA in Exercise and
Eating Habits.”

That’s good news for anyone who has been told their genetics determine
their weight or health!

Bradley Turnwald, a doctoral student at Stanford University, studied the
power of suggestion among two study groups.

Volunteers were split into 2 groups. One was tested on their running
endurance and the other focused on diet.

But the catch was this:

Both groups were given erroneous data about their genes.

The question asked was, "How big of a role does a person’s thoughts play
on their exercise and eating habits?"

The exercise group was incorrectly told they had a gene that
makes them likely to have low endurance, which was untrue.

The diet group was incorrectly told that they had the gene that made them
feel fuller quicker, corresponding to a reduced risk of obesity, which was
also untrue.

What do you think happened?

Both groups caved to the power of suggestion despite their genes!

The data showed that, “Our mind-sets, or mental expectations about
ourselves, seem to play an equal or even greater role than does our DNA in
shaping our bodies’ reactions to diet and exercise.”

Your genes are simply a loaded gun. Your mindset decide what bullets are
going to be fired and when.

This teaches that even before we begin good habits, we need the right
mindset. Your genes will bend to your command - not the other way around.

If you change your consideration about your future health outlook, you
can change your habits. After all, a good habit takes the same amount of
effort as a bad one. But only in the beginning.

In time, bad habits become more work and are harder to deal with due to the
negative consequences they bring…so why not start taking part in good

Take 15 minutes to learn 5 habits that can melt off 10 pounds in 30 days:

Here’s to Happiness, Health & Living Young 2020!

Jeff M.
CEO The People’s Chemist

P.S. The People's Chemist will have Essential Greens back in stock March 1!
Our low stock alert is about to be posted for Daily Dose and Cinnergy!
Stock up at before it's too late.