Subject: ~Buyer Beware! Get this now and save big!

Protect Your Family From Pain. Get 20% Off!

Pain can strike at any time.

Just yesterday, my daughter walked away from a football game with her brother. (He was happy that her long, spindly arms wouldn’t be shutting down his passing.)

Her day was almost ruined...She didn’t drink enough water.

Rather than wait hours for her body to rehydrate, she took Relief FX with her hydration formula. Her pain was gone in minutes.

Lily was back in the game. Blair’s lobs were once again met with “The Lily Smack Down.”

Leg aches. Headaches. Sore muscles. Menstrual cramps. Hangovers. All of these can elicit pain at the worst possible moments in life.

That’s why I created Relief FX - an all natural replacement to Tylenol, aspirin, Ibuprofen and prescription pain meds.

If you’re using any one of these synthetic pain killers to stay on top of your game, beware. 

Today, pain killers are deadlier than heroin and
 cocaine, combined.

Most people exhibit so much unicorn-believing naiveté that it’s hard for them to imagine that side-effects or even a death, await users of pain pills...They’ve been lulled into a false sense of security.

As a chemist for Big Pharma, I’ve never been so naive. I've seen the cold, hard truth, first hand. I've witnessed cover-ups and marketing schemes designed to trick consumers.

Fortunately, none of my children have had to play “Big Pharma Roulette.” They have Relief FX...

Wake up.

“Pain killers account for about three-quarters of all drug overdose deaths in the United States, with the number of deaths from narcotic painkillers, or opioids, quadrupling since 1999, according to federal data,” wrote The New York Times.

Just two months ago, the FDA warned that, “Acetaminophen can cause rare but serious skin reactions...possible reactions to acetaminophen include three serious skin diseases whose symptoms can include rash, blisters and, in the worst case, widespread damage to the surface of skin.”

Stop. Using. Synthetic. Pain. Killers. Already!

Everyone should keep Relief FX stocked and ready. It’s the wise and smart thing to do for the family who refuses to believe Big Pharma lies.

And to give you an extra push to live young, pain free, I’m taking 20% off, right now!

That means there is no excuse not to order Relief FX. Get 20% off now at

(Offer ends in 24hrs). It is regularly $45, but for the next 24 hours you can get it for only $36.

Tens of thousands have already used Relief FX to stop pain and protect their health.

Here are just a few real life spotlights:

"My lower back would ache from pregnancy and prevent me from falling asleep all night. After taking 2 Relief FX right before bed the pain totally dissipated – it really worked! Now, I fall asleep beautifully and my life is WAY better. Sometimes, I'll wake up half way through the night as it wears off, and have a slight ache, and I'll take 2 more and doze off to
dream land once again, and wake up refreshed and healthy. Thanks TPC!" - 


"After an extremely invasive hand surgery performed to remove a tumor, I was given Percocet™ (a combination of Oxycodone and Acetaminophen) for pain, knowing the dangers of these drugs, I opted for Relief FX as the
first line of defense…If it didn’t work, I was gonna eat the prescribed meds…But, within 15 minutes (I took 4 capsules on an empty stomach) I was in very little pain! Awesome!"

"It was great to know that I didn’t have to pay for the expensive drugs pushed on me by my surgeon! Thanks so much!" 

- Scott

, CO

Get 20% off now at (Offer ends in 24hrs)

Don’t ignore my warning...

Naive people are being set up. In the name of modern medicine, everyone is the target for mandated, pain med addiction. 

Relief FX can protect you. I kid you not.

Utilizing modern day chemistry techniques like organic isolation and purification, I extracted natural pain relievers known as glycosides and
 encapsulated them to make Relief FX.

There is nothing else like it.

Additionally, I pulled “buffers” from ginger and white willow bark to ensure safety and potency without addiction.

A campaign of disinformation has kept risky pain killers on the market, while concealing natural alternatives like Relief FX...But chemistry insiders have used them safely for decades.

And now you can too.

Get 20% off now at (Offer ends in 24hrs)

For the next 24 hours, the discount is AUTOMATIC. To learn more about Relief FX go to

Dare to live young,

The People’s Chemist

P.S. Cinnergy and Joint FX are being restocked! Sold out alert has been removed! All orders ship ASAP. I will send you a tracking number once we have put your order in the mail!

The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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