Subject: Brenda Beats the Odds

A powerful testimony courtesy of

Below is more evidence that health science has excelled faster than Western Medicine. It shows that habits create and eradicate disease, not prescription drugs.

No doubt, is leading a health revolution.

Where else can you find information that teaches how to TOTALLY abandon
drugs and live naturally healthy for life?

Enjoy the short story. Way to go Brenda! Your are a shining
example that courage and persistence can beat the odds.


Do you know what it means to wake up each day feeling worse than when you went to bed? I do. Sunrise for me meant getting up and going to the couch to watch TV so I could get my mind off of the aches, pains, addictions and weaknesses that haunted me. I felt hopeless.

At 54 years old I weighed in at 243.5 lbs. My blood pressure averaged 180/110. I could not walk down the street without being overcome with fatigue! I was taking 10 prescription drugs: 2 different pain pills, 2 different muscle relaxers, Ziac for blood pressure, Lasik, Ambian,Xanax for anxiety, Celebrex AND Vioxx – all prescribed by my trusted family doctor. Needless to say, I did not get healthy. I felt like I was slowly dying. I drastically needed a change. My life depended on it.

Where could I go for help? My medical doctor would only write me another prescription that might cause me more problems! I went to the Internet and came across an article written by Shane Ellison of HealthFX and It got my attention. I decided to read his books. I read Hidden Truth about Cholesterol-Lowering Drugs, Health Myths Exposed and finally The AM PM Fat Loss Discovery. I asked some questions to Shane via (all clients get superb support!) and began adhering to what I learned.

I was VERY scared to abandon the Western Medicine model but felt that I had no other options. What happened next is simply amazing.

It was not an overnight victory!! I had to start from scratch. I designed my own exercise plan based on the principles found in The AM PM Fat Loss Discovery eBook. My first time on the recumbent bike took 2 people helping me get on and off! Trying my hardest I could only ride for 3 minutes, slow! I stuck with it.

I adhered to proper nutrition and supplement use as defined in the eBook. Quickly, I was able to ABANDON ALL of my prescription drugs by replacing them with my new found healthy lifestyle and nutrition habits!

I Lost 20lbs. My blood pressure plummeted to 150/85! Today I ride my recumbent bike for 40+ minutes – at a medium pace! I replaced sugar with stevia extract and broke my diet coke addiction! Now I can mow the grass with a tractor for half a day and paint for 2 days outside in temperatures of 101 degrees with my husband! I thought being 55 years old would feel terrible. Now that I've reached it, I feel wonderful – without prescription drugs.

Thank you Shane, and!

Brenda Butler, PhD