Subject: Breaking News: Free Non-toxic cleaning formula

From the Desk of The People's Chemist

Let The People’s Chemist Pay for Your Summer Vacation

Shane’s family spends very little money on health care. In fact, he doesn’t even carry health insurance! And while he has taught me about how to save money for emergency health care purposes, it’s clear that despite the small expenses, his family has a lot of health!

We want to help you do the same! And if you have loved ones who would be interested foward this.

You're going to be shocked at what you learn about common items found in your home...But first, just so you know I'm not trying to fool you, meet the TPC Family.

His wife Lea-Ann can pose in a bikini contest and win – while running a business and being an organic chef to the family.

His daughter Lily, glows with vitality & health. And when she's done doing homework and dance in the evening, she's been known to write letters to Staples Office Supply to request donations for her school. And she gets them! (Staples handed over $1000 worth of items as requested by Lily.)

Their son Blair is a happy, bouncing and creative genius who aces spelling tests, and remembers his Jiu-jitsu moves without really paying attention. He is 5 years old. When he is 20, he will probably design and construct his own city. And trust me, you’ll pay big bucks to live in it too!

How to Gain Vibrant Healthy for Pennies

All of this takes energy and focus that only comes with vibrant health. And I’m going to show you how you can get it, and save so much money, that you’ll have some left over for vacation, thanks to Secret Health Files!

Without Education You Are a Dog on the Pharmaceutical Leash

Most of us don’t have a degree in organic chemistry, so there are things we’re simply not aware of.

Heck, most of us are still confused on how many times per day we are supposed to eat!

And as far as medicine goes, we are completely lost! Who knew that aspirin studies showed that it killed more people than placebo? Who knew that cholesterol lowering drugs caused Dad’s testosterone to plummet to that of a 13-year old girl? Who knew that cancer drugs caused cancer?

If you are not a part of the elite, you are a dog being led around on the pharmaceutical leash! And its PRICEY!

Why You are Confused

We aren’t taught about health and medicine in school or college! That’s why so many people are “confused.” Confusion is a sign of being misinformed. And when you are confused, you are forced to buy drugs, medicine, and surgeries you don’t need!

That’s why The People’s Chemist made, Secret Health Files! To get you informed and save you big bucks! I’ll prove it.

What Secret Health Files Teaches Mom about Protecting The Family from Cancer

To illustrate, did you know that common cleaning supplies and soaps in your home are putting your entire family at risk for invasive cancer. I kid you not! And cancer is on the rise and the number one killer in the USA…One in three of you will suffer, which means if you have a family of four, one of you are going to amass huge expenses and ill health.

You can stop that!

To win the war on cancer, you need to know what is causing it! And Secret Health Files teaches that you can start by learning how household cleaning items are poisoning your family.

Problem: If you brush your teeth with common toothpaste, you absorb the toxins sodium lauryl sulfate and fluoride.

Solution: Use toothpaste that doesn't contain either, like Trader Joe's All Natural, No Fluoride, Antiplaque Toothpaste.

Problem: Eat a non-organic apple or any other fruit and you can potentially poison yourself with the chemical atrazine (an herbicide).

Solution: Eat organic

"Approximately 75 percent of stream water and about 40 percent of all groundwater samples from agricultural areas tested in an extensive U.S. Geological Survey study contained atrazine." - Natural Resources Defense Council

"New research on birth defects at extremely low concentrations and documentation of widespread ground- and drinking-water contamination has strengthened the case for banning the toxic compound atrazine, the most commonly used herbicide in the United States. Atrazine is a widely used weed killer that chemically castrates male frogs at extremely low concentrations and is linked to significant human and wildlife health concerns, including endocrine disruption, birth defects, fertility problems, and certain cancers." - Center for Biological Diversity

Problem: Slather on sunscreen and you expose yourself to cancer causing chemicals known as benzophenones. Benzophenones are chemical building blocks, added to compounds, primarily used by the printing industry, in inks and clear coatings. It is also used to prevent ultraviolet light from causing damage to scents and colors in perfumes and soaps. You don't need it or want it in anything you put on your body and you especially don't want to cover the largest organ of your body - your skin - with it.

Solution: Don't use sunscreens. If you're going to be in the sun longer than an hour, wear light clothing to cover up or wear UV Skinz (, an active-clothing product that will protect you from harmful sun rays.

Problem: Tap water contains dozens of prescription drug and pesticide residues.

Solution: Find a good carbon filter or reverse osmosis system for your house. See FREE offer at end!

This image shows before and after 6 months of filtering tap water! An important note is that this is filtered drinking water from Shane's house, which means that this is exactly what would have been consumed by the family!

Problem: Bleach, Windex, Comet and Pinesol contain volatile organic compounds that when inhaled are proven to cause asthma and cancer.

Nasty things like Benzene, a solvent and contaminant linked to cancer and male reproductive system toxicity float in your house.

Chloroform, a gas that causes cancer and developmental toxicity will invace the lungs of precious children.

Dibutyl phthalate, an emulsifier known to damage developing male and female reproductive systems will harm mom and dad.

Formaldehyde can slowly poison the whole family.

Solution: Use Seventh Generation cleaning supplies. And for aggressive bathroom cleaning, make your own! Here is The People’s Chemist Safe Cleaning Formula:

You need:

Baking soda
All-natural good liquid soap
Glass jar

Simply pour about 1/2 cup of baking soda into a bowl, and add enough liquid soap to make a texture like frosting, add a dash of water as needed. Start scrubbing the bathroom, wash away with water.

Problem: Antibacterial soap in home and schools contain triclosan, a drug that penetrates skin and disrupts hormone function, leading to CANCER!

Solution: Use the all-natural Zum Bar! Google it. Or find it at Whole Foods.

The chemical threat is growing!

All of these replacements sound simple enough. And The People’s Chemist picks the best ones for you and your family in Secret Health Files!

Toxins are tasteless and many times odorless. Most people have no idea how the family is being poisoned. Put these solutions to work, and you are SAFE!

Vacation is on The People’s Chemist

Studies show that avoiding poor health could save a whopping $3 billion in prescription drug costs annually, leaving families with more money for summer vacations – or giving every person in America an extra $1,000 bucks per year ($4,000 if you’re a family of four)!

Would $4000 buy you a nice family vacation every year!

If so, invest in Secret Health Files!

Stop being pulled around like a dog on a leash and get the insider tips that will make you vibrantly healthy!

Learn all about the 4-hours of topics at Secret Health Files

Don't Be Ruined Financially! Get Secret Health Files before it's too Late.

As an ex-chemist for Big Pharma in a world full of so much false data, it's one hell of a task just to keep up with the onslaught, let alone expose the truth. Now it’s all yours in Secret Health Files!

Jeff Milano
CEO The People's Chemist

About this Newsletter

Natural Cures Watchdog is published by Shane "The People's Chemist" Ellison. He is an award-winning chemist with a masters degree in organic chemistry and author of Over-The-Counter Natural Cures, winner of the Pinnacle Book Achievement Award. Get it free at

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