Subject: ~Breaking News: Cholesterol! What you need to know now!


Hope the weekend is going great!  I need about 17 minutes of your time.

I just posted a very controversial blog about cholesterol, heart disease, Lipitor and
aspirin.  I already told people who are easily offended not to read it.

But, I need you to step up and not only read it, but forward it and share it.

I wrote this to so everyone could crack-open the champagne and stop worrying
about cholesterol levels as well as premature heart disease and stroke, for good!

Let's face it, we're all gonna die, and maybe it will be from a heart attack...

I'm not here to say this is a magic-wand that will forever protect us.  

But I am saying that this one blog post alone could give anyone DECADES
more of healthy living and put a stop to what so many 30, 40, and 50 year olds are
having to succumb to, which is heart disease and the miserable side effects of it.

So forward this email for me!  

Let me know your comments too at the bottom of the blog:

If link above doesn't work, find it here:

Dare to live young!

Shane Ellison, MS
Author, Organic Chemist