Subject: ~Brand New Book: Truth about Vitamins at Pharmacy!


I can make you one promise this Christmas.

Your new year's resolution won't work without the
all new, Over-The-Counter Natural Cures EXPANDED

The first version was a game changer. It helped readers abandon
prescription drugs along with worthless vitamins and supplements.

It put some vitamin hucksters out of business and plummeted the
profits of others.

It's the only book that teaches how to pick the best vitamins at the
pharmacy or your local grocery store. It also shows how to avoid the

It helped readers cure cancer, heart disease, Type II diabetes
and even gave athletes a competitive edge.

That was just the start.

It also helped parents make informed decisions about vaccines,
multi-vitamins and even showed how to protect the liver
from today's toxic, environmental threats.

So much more had to be how to wean from anti-depressants,
how to fight the aggressive stages of cancer, how to choose the right
pre-natal vitamins, how to get your thyroid back in check without meds!

(Yes, all these topics in ONE book!)

The book has been a natural hit.

With zero paid advertising it has sold mega-copies worldwide. My first
soft launch proved that the expanded edition was going to be no
different. Without celebrity promotion and silly marketing gimmicks like
free eBooks and other nonsense, I sold out in a matter of days.

It's now back in stock at - Order it today
for yourself and loved ones!

Merry Christmas!

The People's Chemist

P.S. Over-The-Counter Natural Cures EXPANDED edition will replace
a dozen of your current books on health and medicine! Learn how at