Subject: Boswellic Acid: The Memory Cure that Sharpens Focus, Too!

The People's Chemist - Straight Talk
Why The Outbreak of Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease!?
From Shane "The People's Chemist" Ellison, M.S.
Bachelor's degree in biology

  • Master's degree in organic chemistry
  • Abandoned his career as a pharmaceutical chemist
  • Helps people ditch their meds to live young
  • Author of 3 Worst Meds & more
The famous poet Diane Ackerman wrote that, “Without memories we wouldn't know who we are, how we once were, who we'd like to be in the memorable future. We are the sum of our memories.”

She reminds us that our memories are the true currency of life...without them, we're bankrupt.

And sadly, more and more people are losing their true-life currency.  

Dementia is now the leading killer. 

Deaths have more than doubled over the past two decades!

The cause?  

Artificial sweeteners, cane sugar, fructose, alcohol, cholesterol-lowering drugs, blood pressure meds and blood thinner...


Add all those into a the Standard American Diet (SAD) and you have the perfect storm for the memory-thief known as Type 3 diabetes.

The Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology made it official when they published, "the term 'Type 3 diabetes' accurately reflects the fact that
Alzheimer's Disease represents a form of diabetes that selectively involves the brain..."

Both Type 2 and 3 diabetes are no mystery. They are an illness of insulin resistance. 

That just means that the muscles (Type 2) and the brain (Type 3) no longer respond to the hormone insulin. They resist its' message to
remove sugar from the body.  

You feel it as fatigue, weakness and forgetfulness. In time, your cells began to decay, and the memories fade with them.

How to Get Your Memory Back!

====> The Holy Trinity for beating both types of diabetes is Daily Dose (, my true-cinnamon rich, Cinnergy ( and the 18-Minute Workout (FREE in your App store!)

Daily Dose preserves and protects memory thanks to boswellic acid.  This is a rare extract from frankincense and the science has never been so solid!

Daily Dose forms a protective barrier around your brain cells, locking in your memories by ensuring proper cell function and insulin sensitivity.

The Science

The Journal for Traditional and Complimentary Medicine recently published that:

"The effect of frankincense is remarkable in increasing the number of dendritic segments and branching in the neuron cells of hippocampus, causing more synaptic connections in that area and, therefore, improvement of learning and memory. Extensive studies on frankincense and its effect on neurophysiology could be a right approach in finding a possible new complementary or alternative natural medicine to control,
cure, or prevent some kinds of neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's."

Boswellic Acid from Frankincense 

Most people have no idea, but boswellic acid is the single most important ingredient for building a bigger, healthier brain...the science has never
been more clear or crisp.

God's Biblical Cure

Researchers have even referred to it as a "Godsend" for restoring and encouraging memory formation. And that's interesting — because it was the same active ingredient found in one of the gifts to baby Jesus from the three wise men, frankincense!

Daily Dose, now provides this much needed medicinal brain boost.

Like restoring our reflexes, boswellic acid restores the brain's ability to think, store information, and react faster. It's a must-have for brain

True Riches

...Life is awesome when you have a sharp brain and an even sharper memory. True riches.

With Daily Dose, you can enjoy both!

Invest in your health and memory at


The 2021 Rush Is On!  Get Your Supply Before It's Too Late =====>

Take both Daily Dose and Cinnergy to restore insulin sensitivity to get your life and memory back --->

Dare to live young!

The People's Chemist

P.S. Boswellic acid isn't the only ingredient in Daily Dose! This all-natural multi-vitamin is loaded with turmeric, curcumin, cayenne and other naturally occurring vitamins. It has no fillers, sugars, artificial flavors or synthetics like vitamin D, C and folic acid!

In total, Daily Dose contains turmeric root extract, turmeric root powder, bromelain, boswellic acids and cayenne. Cayenne helps increase the
bioavailability and bio-distribution of turmeric. Bromelain helps to eat away the outer layer of cancer cells – the cells that make cancer
invisible to the body’s immune system. With the outer layer removed, the body can attack and kill the cancerous cells...For as little as $20 per
month you can enjoy these benefits and LOTS more that come with Daily Dose:

Stock up before the 2021 RUSH Steals Your Supply 

---- ------>
Time To Ditch The Meds!
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