Subject: Book Reviews


Below are book reviews from Dr. Brom.  These
will appear The SA Journal of Natural Medicine. 

Read the reviews.  Then invest in your health and purchase
the books.  Both have become WILDLY popular simply by word-
of-mouth.  It is a testament to their importance.  After reading, you will find links to and to purchase.

Health Myths Exposed 2nd Edition – How Western Medicine Undermines Your Health
by Shane Ellison

Shane Ellison has a master\'s degree in organic chemistry and firsthand experience in the way drug companies work and design drugs. However he abandoned synthetic medicines a while back and has now become a recognised authority on nutrition. In this hard-hitting book he discusses the undercover, biased and hypnotising effect of drug companies\' advertising programmes, and the way they often collude with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to get drugs fast track onto the market.

He points out that new drugs continue to appear on the market despite poor track records and dangers involved. Prescription drugs kill an estimated 105 000 people each year. This is far more than soldiers killed in the Vietnam War and probably more than most other causes of death, yet these drugs continue to be sold.

Shane believes that Western medicine is founded on deception and is motivated by an unquenchable thirst for wealth, not health. Pharmaceutical companies are among the wealthiest and span many countries. A single drug on the market may generate billions of dollars depending more on advertising than on critical facts of some advantage over lifestyle changes or use of natural remedies.
Health Myths Exposed was written to reveal these deadly myths and may shock many who read it. Shane discusses the biased drug approval processes, how negative trials are seldom reported, false advertising claims, how drug companies influence the FDA approval process, etc.
It is a gripping book and well worth reading.

Hidden Truth About Cholesterol-Lowering Drugs
How to Avoid Heart Disease Naturally
by Shane Ellison

From the same author who wrote Health Myths Exposed this is another blockbuster discussing how the best-selling drugs of all time known as statins may be the cause of more ill health and even life-threatening. The bottom line for drug companies and their shareholders is profit and this drives pharmaceutical companies to publish positive studies in a way that exaggerates their virtues and leave out studies that may highlight the toxic effects.

Shane has worked in the industry and watched in horror at the falsification of data, statistical distortion and manipulation of the drug companies. In this book he also has a look at lifestyle factors and natural nutrients that can help in heart disease and even reverse degenerative changes. There is also a useful chapter on helping to reduce weight and control blood sugar.

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