Subject: Book Release with "Good Doc Bad Doc Contest!"

September 27th, 2009

From The Desk of The People's Chemist:

Your health will never be the same! Nor will your relationship with your doctor.

My new book, Over-The-Counter Natural Cures is released October 6th (some people bought it early). But you can buy a copy now for quick delivery courtesy of! But don't buy more than one - save it until October 6. Anyone who buys 4 copies (for friends and doctor) on this date, will get an extra-special offer direct from me! But, before I tell you what that is, let me introduce you to my "Good Doc Bad Doc" contest! I'll be awarding $2000.00 to some lucky readers who can help spread the word about my 10 lifesaving supplements for under $10!

They Ridiculed My Book Idea

Until They Witnessed The Vast Health Results...

Dan reversed type II diabetes in 36 days!

Cynthia lost 8 lbs every month for 4 months straight - 48 lbs total!

Chuck stopped a "cancerous spot" on his skin with an $8 per month investment.

At 67 years old, Robert toured Italy on his bike, with his lovely wife, for an entire month, after getting off his blood pressure meds and 5 other prescription drugs!

The list goes on. And all of these people share one thing; they read my book, Over-The-Counter-Natural Cures and took charge of their health with 10 lifesaving supplements for under $10! And their doctors witnessed the dramatic health benefits of doing so!

At first, doctors ridiculed my book idea. They told me, "I could never find pure supplements for under $10." They insisted that as we age, "Most people require drugs to maintain health." But, when they saw the results first hand, they retracted their statements.

The same can be said of Dan, Cynthia, Chuck and Robert when they confronted their doctors about using my book to procure health. Each protested. But as their doctors witnessed the results over the weeks, they could do nothing but accept the wishes of their patients and watch as they freed themselves from the grips of declining health - naturally and inexpensively! My $1000 Challenge to You!

I challenge you to do the same!

Buy a copy of Over-The-Counter Natural Cures for you and your doctor (allopathic, osteopathic, homeopathic, naturopathic or chiropractic). Ask him if, "This book is right for you."

Then, post your collaborative (or non-collaborative) story/essay LIVE on my site ( describing the "Best Doc" or "Worst Doc" relationship that transpired, and how you benefited from what you learned in Over-The-Counter Natural Cures. The essay winners for each will be given $1000k cash!

I will announce the winners - after one year of release. But during this time, I will choose finalists every 4 months and post live here!

I'm doing this to help change the way doctors prescribe drugs and to ultimately save patients from the scourge of death by medicine. The contest is aimed to encourage a working or maybe a non-working, natural health relationship between Doc and patients - hence "Good Doc Bad Doc." This will help others learn about America’s best physicians, but also warn us of the worst!

In total, my book and this contest will:




- FIND DOC's who are open to learning about "nutrient logic" as highlighted in Over-The-Counter Natural Cures as the first line of defense against declining health - obesity, blood pressure, heart disease diabetes, cancer and more.

All four of these elements of longevity are desperately missing in health care and are responsible for the 200,000 deaths that occur every year as a direct result of using "FDA Approved Drugs."

With my Over-The-Counter Natural Cures, and the "nutrient logic" it highlights, it's easier now than ever for people to take charge of their health and work directly with their doctors instead of blindly following doctor's orders.

12 Weeks to Learning about America's Best Doctors!

Step one: Buy Over-The-Counter Natural Cures from

Step two: Gift one of your books to your family doctor

Step three: Submit essay (By January 1, 2010) regarding either the Good Doctor or Bad Doctor experience that transpired and tell us of your health benefits courtesy of what you learned by reading Over-The-Counter Natural Cures.

Step four: Watch for updates on finalists and winners every 12 weeks at!

BUY Your Books Here:

I want Over-The-Counter Natural Cures!


To Good Doc's!

The People's Chemist