Subject: ~Boob job for men!

If you're a man diagnosed with BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia)…read
this email closely.

NeoTract recently published a "study" to promote its wacky UroLift surgery
— which inserts permanent implants into a man's prostate in order to
"treat" BPH.

Marketed as a "minimally invasive surgery," it's positioned as the holy
grail for men who suffer from BPH symptoms.


"The [UroLift] system consists of permanent implants designed to relieve
prostate obstruction and open the urethra without cutting, heating, or
removing prostatic tissue. Importantly, the system is implanted in a quick
procedure feasible with local anesthesia, with or without sedation," says a article.


Only a moron would want shit implanted into his prostate….Might as well
get a free boob job while you're at it, guys.

This is obviously a ploy to profit off men who don't understand it takes to
have REAL prostate health.

Known as Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, BPH a condition in which the
prostate gland gets enlarged, causing difficulty urinating. It's very
common in men 50 and older.

According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney
Diseases, most prostate problems start when men are in their forties, and
by age fifty, prostate problems become very common. By age sixty, 50% of
all men have enlarged prostates. The number jumps to 90% for men in their
eighties and nineties.

Common symptoms of BPH include:

- Getting up several times a night to urinate
- A weak urine flow
- A sudden urge to urinate
- Difficulty emptying your bladder
- Increased frequency of urination
- Pain during urination

However, what medical professionals don't tell you is that BPH is NOT
caused by aging — it's largely a condition caused by excessive sugar,
alcohol, meds and artificial flavors!

In other words, the true root cause of BPH is poor diet and lifestyle
habits — e.g., eating bad food and not exercising properly. Compound
these bad habits over a period of years or even decades…and eventually
your prostate will start crying out for help!

But implants, surgery and radiation are not the answer!

UroLift fails as a "treatment" option, because it fails to address the root
cause of BPH. (But it does succeed at shifting money from men's wallets
(and their insurance company) into the pockets of profit-hungry surgeons.)

A marketing video from the company's YouTube even warns men of the side
effects of UroLift:

"In clinical studies, the most common side effects were high blood in the
urine, some pain or discomfort when urinating, some increased urge to go
and discomfort in the pelvis for about two to four weeks after the

Read between the lines. Surgery doesn't solve shit. It barely qualifies as
slapping a bandaid on the issue.

Do they seriously believe UroLift is the solution for BPH? If so, they
refer to my "MiddleFingerLift."

This only further illustrates why it's so CRITICAL to arm yourself with
knowledge — so that you don't get scammed by nonsense like this.

For a complete primer on how to get your diet and lifestyle habits in
order, read my book Over-the-Counter Natural Cures: Expanded Edition
( - especially the chapter on prostate health. It
reveals how simple "nutrient logic" wards off illness and disease,
including prostate problems.

Nutrient logic is where you give your body the necessary nutrients it needs
for proper cell function, so that it can live young and healthy at any age.

By the time a man is in his 70s, the prostate gland has enlarged to a
maximum weight of around 31 grams. This is likely due to years of excess
sugar consumption and not enough "nutrient logic," rather than to any sort
of natural degradation of the aging body.

…No need to insert foreign objects into your prostate lol!

Luckily my NEW prostate formula, Palmetto+ (,
contains the most beneficial nutrients available from Mother Nature, to
protect your prostate.

It's a MUST-HAVE supplement for all men over 50! (And great for
preventative health, for men 30 and up!)

Nutrients, or prostate implants? Your choice.

Get the facts here:

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. UroLift surgery is the latest wacky "treatment" option marketed to men
with BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia). It involves inserting permanent
implants in your prostate. Seriously??? Might as well get a free boob job
while you're at it.

If getting implants isn't on your bucket list — you can protect your
prostate simply by giving your body the nutrients it needs for total
prostate health. Try your first bottle of Palmetto+, so you can put an end
to urination problems (including getting up in the middle of the night to
pee!). All men 50 and older should take Palmetto+
( And it's great for preventative health for men
ages 30+! Order now: