Subject: Blood Sugar Lowered 40 Points in 45 minutes!

Blood Sugar Lowered by 40 Points in 45 minutes!

Courtesy of the FREE Life Saving Health Brief

Charlotte's blood sugar averages 220 (normal is 85-90).
After 45 minutes of The AM-PM Fat Loss Discovery Workout
it fell to 180!

No drug or supplement on the planet can achieve such
health results!

Way to go Charlotte. She was a skeptic (I think) but is
now a firm believer.

Why is The AM-PM Fat Loss Discovery workout is so effective?

Glucose is transported from the bloodstream into muscle cells
by insulin AND exercise (99% of health professionals don't
know this).

The Real Deal:

There are 5 "glucose transporters" on the surface of muscle
cells. Like a car that is activated by a key, these
transporters need activation to operate. Three of the five
glucose transporters are activated by insulin and two by EXERCISE.

Charlotte is insulin resistant. Therefore, three of her
five glucose transporters ARE NOT being activated! This
has manifested into obesity and high blood sugar. If not
fixed, it will cause a myriad of health problems. Too many
to mention here.

Charlotte still has TWO wild cards to play. Said another
way, Charlotte has a second chance - the 2 glucose transporters
that are activated by exercise!

Exercise means different things for different people. Most
people who go to the gym don't exercise. Charlotte changed
her exercise habits by using The AM-PM Fat Loss Discovery
guidelines. This activated 2 glucose transporters.

Now she is seeing the TRUE benefits of exercise done properly - so
effective it PLUMMETED blood sugar 40 points in 45 minutes!

If she sticks with it, the health problems associated with
insulin resistance will no longer be a threat to her longevity.

ANYONE who is OVERWEIGHT can benefit. This is NOT for those
who want to maintain weight. Only for the obese!

Regular $124.95 now only $40 with FREE shipping. See here:

Facts not Hype,

Shane Ellison, M.Sc.
Author Health Myths Exposed 2nd Edition