Subject: ~Blood Clots From Sugar a Risk at Any Age!


Blood clotting isn’t random.

It’s a healing mechanism that’s been well documented in the annals
of chemistry.

A knee-jerk reaction in the blood, clotting is simply a biological bandage.

When bleeding occurs, a chemical cascade is triggered. This yields
web-like strands of fibrin that cover and halt blood flow.

It’s normal and healthy.

Unfortunately, the same chemical cascade that heals, can also kill.

Like a malfunctioning computer program, blood clots can start forming at
the worst time and in the wrong spots, namely the arteries and in the
brain. Heart attack and stroke are the outcome.

What’s the culprit in the formation of these unruly blood clots?

There are many.

But, sugar is one of them!

Whether you’re a diabetic, healthy athlete or soccer mom, sugar increases
the formation of blood clots 6-fold!!!!!

This was brought to the publics attention decades ago by Dr. Boris Mraovic,
an assistant professor of anesthesiology at Thomas Jefferson University in
Philadelphia. Studying diabetics, he found that those with high
blood-sugar levels were at significantly greater risk during hip- or
knee-replacement surgery.

…Dehydration is another risk factor for blood clotting gone awry!

Add sugar and dehydration to the mix and you have a perfect storm for
excessive blood clotting at any age.

(I hope the soda and energy drink consumers are reading...)

I’ve seen it, sadly enough. And the victims didn’t make it. One was
only 33 years old and a black belt in BJJ. Hours before, he was grappling
with some of the best in Los Angeles.

So, in addition to getting off the sugar and staying hydrated, you can also
supplement with Cardio FX. That’s why I made this!

Jam-packed with hawthorn, Cardio FX provides measurable and life-saving results
for anyone who wants to avoid unruly blood clots….

I just got this email from a fan who witnessed it first hand:

"Thank you for making some great products! 3 out of 4 in my family had
blood clots in an 18 month span! Two of us used Cardio FX before being
released from the doctors after being on Coumadin for 10 months!”

“We found out about your product and stopped the Coumadin and then began
Cardio FX. Two months later ultra sounds were performed and there was no
residue of any kind in both my son and my husband!”

“The technician couldn't even find where the blood clot had been!”

“Thank you Shane for allowing the Lord to use you in the Science

Want to bust unruly clots and get off dangerous drugs? Get Cardio FX!

One bottle comes with 150 capsules! Each one yields the purest and most
potent forms of hawthorn, garlic, magnesium and grape seed extract.
There’s no pill like it and capsule per capsule, it’s the most
inexpensive heart cure on the market today.

Get it now at

Dare to Live Young,

The People’s Chemist

P.S. When you take Cardio FX in place of drugs you never have to worry
about killing your liver, kidneys or even bleeding internally! It’s
stress free and it works. Order now and watch it in action simply by
measuring your resting heart rate on and off Cardio FX! Watch it plummet
in favor of a healthy, relaxed rate! Athletes will also notice drastically
reduced breathing rates during activity! Get it here: