Subject: ~Blair's Tournament, Insulin and cinnamon


Blair won first place at his wrestling tournament!

He had 3 matches and a total wrestling time of 1.5 minutes.

Nobody made it past 30 seconds.

Go Blair!

Last year was his first year wrestling. He had a lot of experience
with jiu-jitsu, but had never learned how to hone his takedowns.
So, I warned him when he started, "You're going to get beat up, but if
you learn from every one of your matches, you'll start getting first place,
I promise."

That promise came true.

This is where most parents screw up in sports...they demand that their
kid wins every time. And when they don't, there's a barrage of negative
emotion. The kid is eventually drowned in disappointment and never
learns. Eventually, they quit...and since sports are a reflection of life, they
never learn how to truly succeed.

It's the same, too, when it comes to being healthy. If you don't succeed,
learn something from it and move on. Yet, most people NEVER do this.
Instead they stay on the same fucking drug for DECADES and learn

"I've been on insulin for 6 years and am still diabetic."

"I've been taking Metformin for over a year and my blood sugar is
still high."

"My wife has been taking thyroid meds since we met and she is wondering
about your weight loss program..."


Why the would anyone stay on a drug for years at a time while seeing
no benefit? This would be akin to Blair making the same damn mistake, every
single match, for years at a time.

Get. A. Clue.

If you've been diabetic and obese and are taking the same meds you
were a year ago, guess what? THEY ARENT WORKING!

As a medicinal chemist, I learned from the very early beginning that medicine
must have a measurable result. I've never forgotten that lesson.

When I designed Cinnergy to help Type II diabetics, I wanted it to work
ultra-fast. A combo of true cinnamon and milk thistle, it's been doing just
that for 10 years!

"I got my sugars in check in 2 weeks! Am off all meds!" said a fan's email
this morning.

No surprise there!

That's because Cinnergy works on the microscopic level of muscle cells.
This stretchy, taught layer of tissue has insulin receptors on the outer surface.
When triggered, they force the muscle to suck sugar from the blood and
convert it to energy - in the form of ATP.

But in time, this protection mechanism fatigues from excessive insulin.
It's like using a hammer too much, eventually the handle is going to break.
Once fatigued, diabetes sets in as seen by high blood sugar. The body
reacts with yet MORE insulin.

And since insulin causes fat storage, Type II diabetics gain weight.
The body is drowning in give it more in the form of
prescription insulin is fucking absurd! It's a death sentence.

Cinnergy, on the other hand, is risk free. And, you'll see measurable
results in weeks. That's winning!

Learn more at

Ditch the meds!

The People's Chemist

P.S. Cinnergy has been beating Type II diabetes for over a decade.
Pure, natural cinnamon with NOTHING else added, you can get it for
15% off when you buy three now at