Subject: ~Blair caught stealing, I'm paying for it...

I'm still sweating.

It's 100 degrees out and I just finished making soap in my garage.

I've been a soap maker over 20 years. Saponification was my first laboratory
lesson in college. More than half of my fellow students talked too much to
figure out what the hell was going on...I was always the first one there, the
last to leave.

Lily is the soaper now.

But last night, Blair took 50 bars to the gym.

"I need to make some money."

"Fine, practice your sales pitch and don't be a dork."

That's me being a great dad...if you couldn't tell.

Most parents introduce their kids in some type of wimpy baby talk...I've
always introduced Blair like he was a pit bull who was allowed
to attack if provoked. He appreciated that and today has no problem
talking to adults...

Last night though, he didn't need a sales pitch. Our soaps are
well known.

Walking in, the moms swarmed Blair like ants on honey.

"Blair! You have soaps!? I want some!"

He didn't need to say anything, except the price.

"OMG, I've been telling everyone about how amazing my skin feels
when I use this bar!"

"I'm having a sale tonight. 3 for $20," he said as sure as he was selling
ice cream to his little brother...

Game over.

He laced up for practice with a heavy wallet sitting safe in his locker.

At home, his 17yo sister sister blew a fuse.

"You stole those bars! I need those for my!"

I stopped the assault before it happened...

"It's my fault, Lily. I'll make you more."

(Blair knew he owed me huge...)

Up early, I started banging out soap.

Most soap isn't soap. That's because making real soap is a bitch.

As humans, we want sh#t the easy way. If there's a corner to cut, we'll
slash through it with blunt instruments. Never mind the blood.

I get that. I love the ease of ordering on Amazon. Shutting down work to cruise
the search engine is like crawling into a warm bath.

But you can't cut corners when sh#t matters - like with soap and pills!

Saponification at it's most basic takes know-how, time and quality ingredients.
Lily gets all her fats direct from the farm! And her essential oils are sourced
from all over the world...I've taught her the value in moving slow, choosing
the hard road.

I hand stirred for 48 minutes.

Rush that and the soap bonds form sloppy relationships, akin to the ones
made online. They just don't hold up once tested.

As The People's Chemist, I've spent 20 years developing the best botanical
medicine in the industry...and people know it.

That's because I'm crazy for quality control (QC).

Take Cardio FX for example...too many lives depend it to:

- Control their blood pressure
- Strengthen their heart
- Stop A-fib
- Bust unruly blood clots

...and raise the hell out of athletic performance!

It's no stretch to say that, lives depend on good quality Cardio FX,
made from hawthorn, garlic, grape seed extract and
magnesium! (

Dr. Romano wrote, "I was on 3 different blood pressure meds and my BP
was still 170/100 for the last 3 years! Now, after getting off the meds and
taking CardioFX, with no other changes, my BP is 124/ 78. You have got
me convinced!"

He assured me that, "You can quote the above and state ‘I'm a physician!"

I've been quoting testimonials like this almost as long as I've been
making soap...

Cardio FX works so well thanks to family of natural medicines known
technically as “anthocyanins."

That's what's so important about the have to make sure that the
grape seeds and hawthorn are loaded with these microscopic artery

In a recent test conducted by Harvard, the active compounds
found in grape seeds (and hawthorn) reduced heart disease risk by 32%!

This study underscores the importance of CardioFX - a cardiovascular
cure that I designed to be the most concentrated form of anthocyanins
ever developed!

I’ve always said that we’re only as young as our cardiovascular
system...One small area of inflammation can mean big problems,
no matter how fit you might be.

Heart researchers concluded that the protective qualities of
anthocyanins come from their ability to “lower blood pressure
and improve blood vessel function.”

Doing so helps arteries compensate for inflammation, what some people
call "plaque."

This is profound...

If 100 people simply added anthocyanins to their diet, 32 of them
could lead a longer, more active life. Now imagine if a million
people followed this advice!

Get Nature’s Heart Medicine at

(And all this time the drug companies were trying to convince
you it was cholesterol...They’ve been dead wrong. It’s all about
inflammation and keeping it away with!)

Meanwhile, Blair will be cutting and labeling some soap tomorrow to
refill Lily's inventory!

...I'm excited to teach him the rigors of handmade soap!

I need a shower.

Dare to live young!

The People's Chemist

P.S. ********ALERT*****All time low stock alert for Cardio FX! If you depend
on it, stock up at Don't say I didn't warn you. I'm shipping
all orders over $89 for FREE! Add my new book, 3 Worst Meds to your
cart to learn more about living young: