Subject: ~Blair Trained to Win...

Training to Win...Then Losing.
You can do everything right and still get nothing in return.  Life owes you nothing.  And the minute you think you "deserve" something, you start losing everything.

My son Blair just returned from Las Vegas. An estimated 3500 wrestlers were competing for a highly coveted title in "The Freak Show." Place top 8 and you are forever remembered as "The Elite 8."

Blair lost his first match to 3rd place.  He wrestled great and put points on the board against a tough Freak Show Elite.  Then he dropped down to the consolation bracket.  

In his second match, he tore into his opponent to take a strong 6 to 0 lead in in the first period. Heading back to the middle of the mat to restart, his face gave it all away...

Blair was way too confident...he had the look that only his dad or coach would know. "I've got this match, easy."

I knew he was done.

Props to his opponent, he didn't stop attacking Blair.  Bam.
6 points for the comeback kid.  Into overtime they went.  Blair was stunned by the comeback.  Still wondering what went wrong instead of focusing on the present overtime emergency, he gave up two for a take a second loss.

His opponent continued crushing through the bracket to win 6th place and a coveted national title.  Blair went home.

Life owes you nothing.  You can do everything and still get shit in return when you think you deserve something.

This mindset has come all to familiar in today's society.  Entitlement is the norm and people think they deserve their best body simply for paying for a package or following a trendy diet with their office workers.

Just because you train your ass off in a gym, with the best partners, cut weight and do push-ups and pull-ups until your muscles tap out, you may still lose...

Just because you go undefeated for 3 months at local tournaments and wrestle your dad every Friday, you may still lose...

There's no guarantees in life and the minute you think there are, life deals you a shit sandwich.

If you have to wrestle to learn that, do it. 

It's easier to think you deserve something than learn to adapt and work even harder and smarter.

Same with getting your best weight.  You can't just cherry pick a fad diet, follow it, fail, and then think, "I deserve to lose weight."

There is no deserving your best weight, there's only making it happen.  And you do that by mastering your hormones!

I wrote a book to show you exactly how to do this with 6 simple habits!

Hormones are everything. They're the chemical messengers that control appetite, metabolism, sleep, mood, libido, energy and even your genetics!

In The "Stop Eating So F#@%ing Much" Diet, I show how your delicate hormone balance has been ruined. Then, I teach you six simple habits that utilize rare, little-known "hormone cures" from nature. Each one is scientifically proven to help you get your best body and health in 90 days. At the same time you'll also:
  • Slow the biological aging process (protect DNA)
  • Stop food cravings
  • Pack on lean muscle (thanks to more testosterone)
  • Free yourself from the risk of heart disease, cancer and diabetes
Warning! Hormones like testosterone and estrogen from the pharmacy or your doctor won't help you!

Nobody knows your hormones better than your body. Your hormones – estrogen, testosterone, insulin, hGH, ghrelin – are unique to you.

You need to understand this…

Just like we all have our own fingerprint, we all have our own unique hormone profile. Anything else is a harmful fake.

Therefore, the key to getting your best body and health is to optimize your one-of-a-kind hormonal ecosystem with "The Stop Eating So F#@%ing Much Diet."

And that's exactly what this book teaches you – six simple habits that put nature's hormone cures to work for you. 
Once you start, you're on your way to getting noticed and feeling awesome again – far better than you ever felt when you were younger!

For the next 4 hours, I'm offering the book with a FREE CD that outlines 8 Weight Loss Lies That Can Permanently Harm You!

Get the answers AND YOUR BEST BODY NOW!

Save big now and get the CD for FREE when you buy "The Stop Eating So F#@%ing Much Diet" at
Dare to Live Young!
The People's Chemist

P.S. This is the absolute perfect book for athletes, diabetics, young AND old who want to carve out the best versions of themselves! Hurry, this sale is only going to last 4 hours! That's about how long it's going to take Blair to pack and sweat off the weight in a sauna! Get it now at

The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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