Subject: ~Better than Testosterone Gels

Prescription testosterone gels can feminize men.

...sometimes these products are called bioidentical.

Like a good wine buzz, it feels great at first. Combined with excess
exercise and a rigid, low sugar/carbohydrate diet, its use can have
profound effects on metabolism and male physique.

Just watch the UFC.

The problems of gels arise over time.

Today’s bioidentical testosterone can become tomorrow’s estrogen,
thanks to a feminizing enzyme known as aromatase, which latches on to
bioidentical testosterone molecules and converts them into estrogen!

That’s right, “bioidentical” testosterone is a drag queen. It looks
tempting at first, but if you take it back home with you, you’re in for a
shitty ending.

Once aromatase claws its way into your manhood, it’s not something
you’ll be bragging about because the excess estrogen that results can
lead to greater fat storage around the belly and even Gynomastia, better
known as “man- boobs.”

Like all the others, bioidentical testosterone also accumulates in the
fatty tissues. This sends a message to the brain that naturally-produced
testosterone (the real stuff that makes you the man you are) is no longer
needed and masculinity goes downhill from there.

Wives might soon learn that they aren’t the only chick in the marriage.

Not only is excess crying a possibility, but so is insulin resistance, Type II
diabetes and heart disease.

Okay, I’m exaggerating about the crying part.

In 2010, The New York Times shined a spotlight on the risks associated
with bioidentical testosterone, reporting that:

“A federally financed study to see if testosterone gel helps frail
elderly men build muscle and strength was abruptly halted late last year
after participants taking it suffered a disproportionate number of heart
attacks and other serious cardiac problems.”

Even today, the FDA has not approved testosterone for those who show low
levels as they age. It is strictly for use in men with hypogonadism, where
sex glands produce extremely low amounts of the sex hormone, or none at
all, because of an underlying disorder.

While bioidentical hormones are a safer alternative to Hormone Replacement
Therapy (HRT), they are not a treatment option to be used a-la-carte for
people who might be showing “low” levels of any given hormone, due to
their potential risks and ability to induce hormone ignorance over time.

The real solution is Raw-T, a plant based product that increases your
testosterone balance, output and sensitivity. Learn more at

PACK! See for info!

Dare to live young

The People's Chemist