Subject: ~Best Sleep in Years! (Huge 12-Hour Sale!)


Fan wrote, "Serotonin FX was a shocking surprise for me. It worked.
For the last week, I've been getting the best sleep I've had in years! And
I tossed my doctors prescription in the trash! Thank you!"

That email just came in...along with 10 others complaining about my
language. When will people learn that there are plenty of us out there
who don't give a shit about earning credibility or sucking up to an invisible
status quo? LOL

Serotonin FX is my truly natural, REM-sleep pill. It's crammed with
L-tryptophan and valerian, which activate your sleep

When you wake up, you benefit from:

- Curbed Sugar Cravings
- Elevated mood
- Increased energy
- Reduced stress and anxiety

It's like a wonder pill, if there ever was such a thing.

For the next 12 hours, you can get it for 20% off! Plus, to twist your
arm even more, I'm throwing in my diet CD, 8 Weight Loss Lies That Can
Permanently Harm You, TOTALLY FREE! This CD outlines all the lame
a$s diets that not only drain you of cash, but also health!

Why am I so pushy about this sale? Because I want you off sleep meds!
These do not activate rest...they put you to sleep
the same way a blow to the head does. It's the difference between
being knocked out and lulled to bed safely and comfortably.

So buy it. Live young, rock your hormones, rock your sleep:

Get this deal now at:

Offer ends in 12 hours or less, if I run out of product. Is this a sales ploy
to get you off meds and to help you get sound, restful sleep so you can
live a healthier, more active, non-toxic life?


Hurry and buy it now at

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Getting more sleep with Serotonin FX is also a phenomenal way to
speed up recovery time among athletes and slow the aging process!
Get it now for 20% off at