Subject: ~Best Free Offers For January!


Hopefully, most of you are done with the holiday binging. New
decisions about changing a part of your life have had a month to either
ripen... or fester.

If you've decided to live young in 2014, congratulations and welcome!

The People's Chemist is here to help you achieve your goals.

To that end, we're all about FREE stuff. After all, with so many scams in
the world, we understand the importance to letting you try us out first,
without risk.

We don't ask for your "faith."

Health is all about measurable results. Therefore, everything we offer
comes with real proof!

In case you missed some of our top offers in January, here's a quick recap.


Most of the crap you're rubbing on your skin is causing wrinkles and
cancer. This FREE video shows you how to stop sabotaging your skin with an
oil from Amazon that costs about $5 per month.

We don't make it, or sell it. We don't know anyone at the company and they
don't even know we're recommending it. But it's good for. Not only that,
but we tell you which ingredients to stay away from in other products. If
you plan on spending any time in the sun this year, watch this 2 minute


When we released the blog, "Herd Immunity: Chemist Gives Three Reasons Why
I Don't Vaccinate My Children..." we had no idea of the firestorm of debate
that would ensue.

Still going strong, this blog has proven to be one of the most popular
articles we ever released. Now, it contains even more information not only
about the dangers that vaccines pose to children and adults, alike - but
what you can do to protect yourself and your entire family, using
all-natural, safe products that cost less than $10 per month...Here are the
reports in case you missed them:

Free Report: How To Boost Your Immunity, Naturally, NOW! 

Vaccine Exemption Forms for Each State

Physician Answers 11 Vaccine Questions Every Parent Should Ask

Historical Look at Vaccine Failure and Risk  

Now go live young, if you dare!

...Why is it daring to live young?

I asked Shane this very question.

He told me, “Because it takes guts to go against the norm...You have to
be daring to ignore the invisible status quo that’s holding people back
in life.”

So with that, I want you to truly “dare to live young...” It's one
thing to say it, but it's another thing to actually DO IT! And once you
do, you’ll never stop because the results you obtain will be nothing
short of amazing!

All my best,

Jeff Milano
CEO The People's Chemist

PS. We’re shipping Cinnergy faster than we can stock it! This
ultra-potent cinnamon and milk thistle product is proven to shield you from
toxins and therefore increase longevity...If you’re on “The Pill,” drinking
“Vitamin Water,” or chugging soda or alcohol like it’s Y2K, you better stock up at