Subject: Best Cure for Painful Joints


  May 20, 2010

From the Desk of The People's Chemist

Alert: Evolutionary Medicine Helps you avoid risky surgery and cortisone shots!


Is joint pain and stiffness holding you back from living young? Four power ingredients can halt aging joints.  

Don't take my word for it...Learn how one client avoided surgery and cortisone shots with Joint-FX!

"Well,I will try to make short. About 2 1/2 years ago my knees would ache and swell up."

"I Went to an orthopedic doctor. He did an MRI on left knee and found searious damage and said I had osteoarthritis. He was going to do surgury "to clean up any tears."

"He gave me cortisone shots and drained both knees 2 different times."

"I was not to keen on undergoing surgery. I discovered your JointFX last June. I started with 6 pills a day for 10 days. Pain and discomfort was gone about 75% in ashort time."

"My wife and I walk 2-3 miles, 3 days a week, plus I am on my feet 10 hrs a day,(I own an auto repair shop)."

"After 3 months of taking Joint-FX and walking I was ready to run! I started with some small sprints and worked up to 1/4 mile 2-3 times a week."

"I ran on treadmill all winter!"

"I take 3 pills daily every morning and I have absolutely no pain, no problems! Thanks again, This has helped me beyond any expectations I ever had."

Learn about the healing nature of JointFX and how to save 15% now!

Nothing heals joints faster! When taking Joint-FX, You get:

  • Joint relief in as few as 7 days
  • Inflammation and stiffness smothered
  • Lubrication for healthy fluid movement
  • Relief and comfort
  • Protection and total mobility

    Special JointFX Introductory Offer:

    Save 15% Now! Each bottle is 120ct, lasts 1 to 3 months. Simply use the coupon code "3 joint" at checkout as "coupon code" when you add three bottles.

    Click here to try JointFX: Add to Cart

    Finally, after decades of research, a scientifically proven way to actually reverse joint damage and eliminate pain, stiffness, and swelling in the process...Far Better than ho-hum glucosamine HCl and chondroitin. 

    Now there's no reason to let osteoarthritis and joint pain keep you from living life on your terms!

    Is your joint health or osteoarthritis keeping you from doing the things you want - from little things like opening up a jar of food or crawling slowly out of bed in the morning, to bigger things like not being able to play tennis, enjoy a simple walk in the evening, participating in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu or surf the Mexican pipeline?

    Poor joint health can have a serious impact on your life. Its' nagging aches and pains can irritate and distract you from what's really important in your life, and the swelling and stiffness can chain you down and keep you from enjoying the activities you love.

    Most doctors insist that it's an inevitable part of aging. But you know that's just lazy thinking...

    Reverse Osteoarthritis and Loss of Cartilage

    Contrary to popular opinion, being diagnosed with poor joint health and osteoarthritis no longer comes with a lifelong sentence of inconvenience, frustration, and limitation. In fact, scientists are now uncovering ways that the joint damage associated with osteoarthritis can actually be reversed - giving back the freedom you knew when your joints were supple and strong. But most importantly, giving you back your freedom to go out and raise hell, to enjoy the world without any worries of biting pain and stiffness hiding around the corner.

    In a recent breakthrough study, 200 osteoarthritis patients were put through a 3-year randomized, double blind analysis. The study confirmed what scientists from around the world had found in similar studies: that a molecule called glucosamine sulfate (GS) (not the usual Glucosamine HCl) - when ingested on a regular basis - actually reversed the joint damage found in osteoarthritis patients (resulting in major reductions in pain, stiffness, and swelling).

    GS is a natural compound found in healthy cartilage and is an essential building block for the maintenance, replenishment, and growth of the cartilage in between your joints. By increasing GS levels in patients with osteoarthritis, doctors found that their cartilage actually began to re-build itself - eventually regenerating a thick, smooth cushion between the joints and eliminating joint pain, stiffness, and swelling!

    Imagine, instead of having to rely on dangerous, unhealthy pain killers like Aspirin and Ibuprofen (which are linked to over 15,000 deaths each year) - you can actually reverse the source of your osteoarthritis pain and stiffness. And enjoy a full, uninhibited life using your body's natural regeneration process.

    Protect and Re-Build Your Natural Joint Cushion of It's Free!

    Over the course of several months, GS will steadily increase the growth of the shock-absorbing cartilage in between the joints of your fingers, toes, ankles, knees, hips, and spinal discs. Within a few weeks you'll begin noticing significant reductions in pain. Participants in a wide range of studies noted that the pain reduction from taking GS was greater than that of pain killers like Aspirin and Ibuprofen.

    Now, you can experience these incredible joint health benefits for yourself. And instead of just covering up your osteoarthritis problems, you can begin moving toward real, lasting joint strength and comfort.

    I've put together a proprietary joint health formula called JointFX with the perfect amount of GS for steadily and rapidly increasing cartilage production and restoring the health of your joints.

    However, while GS has proven to be much more effective at relieving pain than over the counter and prescription drugs, it can take 6-8 weeks to begin seeing results (due to the fact that cartilage takes time to grow). But I fixed this problem!

    Special JointFX Introductory Offer:

    Save 15% Now! Each bottle is 120ct, lasts 1 to 3 months. Simply use the coupon code "3 joint" at checkout as "coupon code" when you add three bottles.

    Click here to try JointFX: Add to Cart

    Three Forbidden Pain Killers in One Supplement!

    In addition to GS, I've included THREE of the most powerful pain relieving molecules into one supplement...This means, you'll be able to start experiencing relief the very first day you start my new joint soothing supplement! And with time, you'll be able to unlock the full, unrestricted freedom of healthy, pain free joints thanks to cartilage growing GS - all in one easy formula.

    The first fast acting pain reliever in the formula is the naturally occurring Zingiber officinale (ginger root) extract, which has been proven in multiple studies on arthritis patients to significantly reduce swelling and pain. Utilizing top end chemistry techniques, I've compounded the active ingredients to make the extract four times stronger than whole herb Zingiber officinale. This guarantees that the active ingredients are absorbed and work to blocking pain-communicating chemicals known as prostaglandins. The ginger root molecules intercept these pain chemicals, killing off the sensations of pain you experience in your joints.

    The second fast acting pain reliever is called MSM (or dimethyl sulfone). Naturally found in fruits, vegetables, grains, and animals - including humans - MSM is another pain blocking molecule that intercepts the same pain causing "prostaglandins" that ginger root does. On top of this, it also inhibits the actual pain impulses that run along your nerve fibers, creating a powerful pain fighting combination!

    And third, I've added Salix alba (SA). SA is an ancient pain killer that Big Pharma has kept secret for hundreds of years. It's natural, non-toxic, and works like gangbusters at the molecular level, where joint pain hurts the most. This is the first ingredient in JointFX that starts to soothe pain.

    Meet JointFX - Evolutionary Medicine

    The debacle of Vioxx and NSAIDS shows that pain killers need to evolve. And I've made sure that they have. Logic based medicine has given rise to my JointFX. It's the smartest choice for anyone who wants youthful joints for life, at any age. Why risk stomach ulcers, heart problems, and even death with the daily use of drugs like Ibuprofen, Aspirin, and others? Now, you can safely and naturally target and heal the source of your osteoarthritis pain and limitation. With fast results that will last!

    Stop letting your joint problems get in the way of living the life you want. You deserve to have strong, supple joints for enjoying all your favorite activities. Try out JointFX today by clicking below.

    If you're not completely thrilled with the results you experience after 6 months of taking JointFX, you can send it back!

    MY GUARANTEE TO YOU: I owe it to you to give you a no-questions asked, no lose guarantee! After all, the entire supplement and weight loss industry is FULL of scams and shams. And I want you to know that Health-FX is different. I want you to know that my knowledgeable staff is here to work with you, not scam you. If for any reason you are not satisfied with your Health-FX products, send them back for a refund, minus 20% for processing. No questions asked.

    Special JointFX Introductory Offer:

    Save 15% Now! Each bottle is 120ct, lasts 1 to 3 months. Simply use the coupon code "3 joint" at checkout as "coupon code" when you add three bottles.

    Click here to try JointFX: Add to Cart

