Subject: Belly Fat Cure Buried in Old Chemistry Papers

Chemist Uncovers Surprising Belly Fat Cure Buried in Old
Chemistry Papers

As a graduate student studying medicinal chemistry, I came across
a unique discovery late one night sifting through old chemistry
journals. About ten years ago, I was researching hormones and
how to construct them in the lab as potential medicine targets.
It was discovered that under the right conditions and with key
nutrients, the body produces life-extending hormones, and
balanced them as needed. These were hormones that could be used
to wipe away belly fat, Type II diabetes, heart disease and
cancer. It was a science I eventually termed “Hormone
Intelligence Therapy.” (HIT)

No Bio-Identical Hormones Required

Unlike “bio-identical hormones,” which is a biotech term used
to make patients feel as though they are getting a safer, natural
compound versus a prescription drug, HIT refers to a body that is
balancing and producing its own set of age-defying hormones, at
the right time of day. These are hormones such as estrogen,
testosterone, insulin, leptin, dihydrotestosterone, ghrelin and
many more. Not only do they work in orchestra like unison to
control hunger and metabolism, but they also increase sports
performance and ward off today’s pandemic killers.

You can’t harness the power of HIT with drugs or even
“bio-identical” hormones because neither one of these
attempts toward better health work with the unique balance
required by the body. Our innate hormone intelligence is as
unique as we are and nothing can heal us faster…The power of
HIT is best witnessed by athletes who use it as the Holy Grail
for increasing athletic potential.

Learn how to bust belly fat and become hormonally intelligent
for a few dollars per day at

Top Secret Blood Loading

Athletes who train at high altitude perform better when they go
back to sea level. This performance enhancing technique is the
result of HIT. It lasts about two weeks thanks to the “internal
pharmacy” producing HEMOGLOBIN, which helps athletes take in
and distribute more oxygen. Taken to extremes, athletes will draw
their blood, store it, and then inject it back into their body
for a quick boost. The military also uses it, and calls it
“blood loading.”

A Body that Gets Noticed for The Right Reasons

You don’t need high altitude (though it can help) to harness
HIT, and it does far more than produce hemoglobin! HIT tightly
defines muscles, grants the capacity to outperform your peers by
a tremendous margin and a helps you have abs or a back side that
people will look twice at. And I have the pictures to prove it at

What’s yours hormone intelligence?

Is your body producing anti-aging hormones are they being choked
out by modern day, fad diets, water saturated with fluoride,
chlorine and select prescription drug metabolites? Excess sugar
and artificial sweetener intake? Take this quick test to see
where you fit in:

TPC Hormonal IQ Test:

• Are you eating “low-cal” sport bars or pre-packaged
• Are you using an FDA approved drug as a diet pill?
• Are you exercising 5 to 6 days per week?
• Are you eating more than 3 meals per day?
• Are you juicing or fasting with apples and oranges daily?
• Are you ingesting bio-identical hormones that aren’t made
by your body?
• Are you eating fruit?
• Are you eating one meal per day?
• Are you skipping breakfast?

If you answered YES to any single one of these techniques, your
body is carrying excess weight. And that’s just a sign of
worse things to come like heart disease and cancer. Your body is
in fact, hormonally out-of-whack. If weight loss is occurring,
it’s only due to the loss of water, glycogen and/or muscle!
This will empty your energy stores, and cause you to age

Learn how to bust belly fat and become hormonally intelligent
for a few dollars per day at