Subject: ~Bayer and Monsanto Cover-Up...

Bayer and Monsanto have merged as part of a $63 billion deal.

Can someone help me wrap my brain around that?

That's a few mountains of cash...that can be well spent on politicians,
PR firms and anything else you might need to paint a pretty picture
of yourself...

Don't be suckered.

Founded in Germany in 1863, Bayer is best known for “inventing”
aspirin. (Really, they stole aspirin from Mother Nature…and made a
dangerous knockoff version.)

In the early 20th century, the company sold heroin and marketed it as a
“cough cure.”

During WWII, Bayer was “part of a consortium called IG Farben that made
the Zyklon B, which was sold to used in Adolf Hitler for “Jewish resettlement.”

Wow…great track record.

I think I just wrote Blair's 7th grade history lesson for the day...

Yea, I did.

Monsanto is just as shady. A multibillion dollar agrochemical company,
they’ve butchered the earth, let GMO seeds blow across our farms and sprayed
boat loads of pesticides over our fruit and vegetables…

In a recent Roundup verdict, “The jury found Monsanto acted with malice
and oppression because they knew what they were doing was wrong and doing
it with reckless disregard for human life,” said attorney Robert F.
Kennedy Jr.

Like attracts like.

Bayer appealed the verdict. It’s now working to have that $289 million
award “overturned.”

…After merging with Monsanto, Bayer thinks it can sweep this dark history
under the rug.

“Hoping to ditch Monsanto’s poisonous reputation, Bayer has said it
plans to drop the company’s name from its products.”

This is a move right out of the Pharma playbook - change the name not the
end goal to medicate us all to death.

History advises us about victories, failures, and everything in between.
Without knowing it, humans are lost. That's why I wrote 3 Worst Meds
( I wanted to resurrect the history that proves
that today's "blockbuster" drugs are actually putting people into early

What does this “merger” mean for the average person? It means now more
than ever, people need to be DILIGENT.

That means ditch the meds! Start now at

Dare to live young,

The People’s Chemist

P.S. Today, your body is being assaulted with toxins everywhere you
turn…thanks to “forced chemicalization.” Your liver needs help!

You can support the liver by using Cinnergy (…my
potent cinnamon + milk thistle combo, designed to safely remove toxins from
the liver. Cinnergy slows the aging process, reverses diabetes, aids the
liver, and more! Stock up before it’s too late!