Subject: ~Bayer Punished? (Outrage Sale!)

I’m usually the first one up in the morning. But it’s pretty tough to
beat Skyler to the battlefield. He’s usually awake a few minutes past 6,
strutting out of his room to peacock his muscles.

I sip coffee and tell him how smart he is, LOL.

Then Mom wakes up, then Blair, then Lily. Aubrey will be in the mix soon

Of course, nobody is wearing any significant amount of clothing…all the
peacocks are awake. Lily will brag, “look at me, I don’t even

Blair will give me that annoyed look, then say to her, “look at me, I do
workout and it’s obvious.”

I tell both of them, "There's a reason I don't own a shirt guys..."

It’s summer in AZ and by 8 am, we’re all outside enjoying the warm
breeze and talking about who is doing what at the gym, in the soap lab, or
on the wrestling mat.

This morning was different.

I had to teach the kids about false advertising, so that they could be
aware of how Big Pharma makes blatant lies to hook people on meds.

My kids have never had a single aspirin pill. But this was still important
for them to know.

“Bayer recently settled a lawsuit for $15 million…and the news didn’t
even cover it,” I told them.

“They lied about the benefits of aspirin…”

Specifically, Bayer made it seem like aspirin was healthy for the heart,
preventing heart attack and stroke.

Total lie. And they were fined $15 million dollars for it.

The most ridiculous part? That money was supposed to be given in $4
increments to anyone who had proof of purchase from the years prior.

These types of settlements are nothing more than the “the cost of doing
sleazy business.”

In 2017, The Telegraph reported, “Taking a daily aspirin is far more
dangerous than was thought, causing more than 3,000 deaths a year, a major
study suggests.”

“The study by Oxford University found that those over the age of 75 who
take the blood-thinning pills are ten times more likely than younger
patients to suffer disabling or fatal bleeds.”

So people fall for the hype, they die and Bayer gives some people
$4 as a

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Ditch the meds,

The People’s Chemist

P.S. In 2012 Bayer got away with false advertising and refused to take any
responsibility. They’re a real class act. Where can I sign up for an
ethics class from their marketing team?! Ditch the aspirin!

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