Subject: Bad Ingredients in Multivitamins

From the Desk of The People's Chemist

5 Characteristics of a Good Multivitamin That Everyone Should Know to Protect Themselves from Toxic Fakes

PFIZER is the biggest seller of multivitamins.

That should tell you something right there.

If your multivitamin has selenium, vitamin D, B12, B6, folic acid, chromium, vitamin E, or beta carotene in it, you're being poisoned.

To profit from the growing vitamin market, Big Pharma is making counterfeits by the bucketload. It’s known as “organic chemistry” and it's one of many reasons I don’t work at a lab bench anymore. It’s not very ethical to make mimics of nature that are toxic and then turn around and sell them to the public as "natural..."

Synthetic counterfeits of nature are weak chemical cousins that don’t have the same benefits...In fact, these Franken-chemicals are foreign and toxic to the body. Regardless, once purified in their acrid fume hoods, Big Pharma labels these evil compounds as vitamins to profit from the vitamin craze.

For example, folic acid compared to naturally occurring folate increases cancer risk by 30%. Synthetic vitamin D hardens the heart and causes it to fail!

Instead of increasing health and longevity, synthetic multivitamins are stealing health and longevity. Millions of lives are being ruined by an evil game of profit and trickery.

Recent studies have reported that, “multivitamins are doing more harm than good.”

The New York Times sent a dire warning out that highlighted, “A study of vitamin E and selenium use among 35,000 men found that the vitamin users had a slightly higher risk of developing prostate cancer, according to a report published Tuesday in The Journal of the American Medical Association.”

The Archives of Internal Medicine found a higher risk of dying among older women who used multivitamins and other supplements compared with women who did not!

[Nature's True Multivitamin for the entire cardiovascular system:]

5 Characteristics of a Great Multivitamin

When presented with these facts, supplement hucksters can’t see past conspiracy theories. They say it's a ploy to ban vitamins. They miss the fact that it's poisonous chemicals dressed up as vitamins doing the damage...They’re fanatics who can’t see past a label and cheap sales ploys. Therefore, they enable Big Pharma and its pursuit of profit when they ignore these results!

I could go on and on, but hopefully you're smart enough to get the point.

Trash multivitamins sold by Big Pharma already!

Naturally occurring vitamins provide boundless nutrients. That’s what you want...Each of them work in unison to enable the body to live young.

The best multivitamin has 5 unique qualities:

1. It's truly natural
2. It prevents things like heart attack, heart failure and/or stroke
3. It replaces cholesterol meds, heart pills and blood pressure drugs
4. It has "multiple" functions
5. It's non-toxic

I taught my dad this when he started asking about multivitamins a decade ago. And when I wanted him using something I could trust his life to, I got him off meds and on CardioFX - a multinutrient for the entire cardiovascular system.

[Nature's True Multivitamin for the entire cardiovascular system:]

Halt Aging In It’s Tracks By Repairing the Cardiovascular System

In fact, I got everyone I knew on CardioFX. I’m like the mad scientist pushing pills to those closest to me…It’s irresponsible of me not to!

CardioFX provides an array of heart cures that your body requires and doctors don't know about! You’re only as young as your heart, arteries and veins are healthy. One single trouble in any one of these and you are in serious trouble, no matter how great your abs might be or how thin you are...

How could I not scream about CardioFX from the rooftop?

Especially when I know it can preserve even the most vulnerable lives? One fan wrote, "I know had my Mom not been on CardioFX that we would not have her with us today!"

Here is the full story:

"My Mom was on coumadin for a couple of years after having blood clots in her left leg. She began to bruise very easily and I had been uncomfortable with the prescription from the beginning. A friend gave me Over-The-Counter Natural Cures to read. I was totally amazed that someone had actually addressed the dangers of the drug as well as many others."

"I took her off the prescription the summer of 2011 and began using CardioFX and saw an almost immediate change in the bruising."

"In January 2012, New Years night she had to have emergency surgery for a twisted intestine that had totally cut off blood supply. She was 95 years young at that time! Dr.Smith operated and took out 24 inches of intestine."

"She came through the surgery with no problems, heart, blood pressure etc. all very good. Was in ICU for a week, off all life support in 4 days as well as the oxygen. The heart doctor of course put her back on the coumadin as well as many other drugs while she was in the hospital."

"When she came out of ICU her health deteriorated to the point where we refused the feeding tube...They asked me, "what do you want us to do?"

"I said "we want to take her home."

"I knew if I got her home and off all the prescriptions she would get well. They had removed all medication at the hospital two days before releasing her and pretty much told us she would die at home!"

"I put her back on the CardioFX the day after we got home. In two weeks we sent the hospital bed back, she was up on her own, back in her bed, and eating normally!! She is now 96 and in good health!"

The heart doctor told me that hawthorn wasn't any good..."

I know had my Mom not been on the CardioFX we would not have her with us today!!"

"Many thanks to Shane/The People's Chemist."

Emily, Jacksonville, FL

[Nature's True Multivitamin for the entire cardiovascular system:]

Recharge your heart and body with an array of nutrients by using CardioFX daily. Watch the 1-minute video to learn more at

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

About this Newsletter

Natural Cures Watchdog is published by Shane "The People's Chemist" Ellison. He is an award-winning chemist with a masters degree in organic chemistry and author of Over-The-Counter Natural Cures, winner of the Pinnacle Book Achievement Award. This is a FREE service so that NOBODY IS LEFT BEHIND. Please join him in his efforts to educate the laymen by FORWARDING this email to your friends and loved ones. You can sign up at