Subject: BONUS OFFER! Toastmaster Ditches Meds and Makes 4 Huge Discoveries

Scottish Toastmaster Ditches Meds and Makes 4 Huge Discoveries
(Sale Ends 24 hours!)
Big Pharma's unofficial new slogan for 2015 is: "Don't think – just buy, swallow, and repeat!"

Pretty catchy…if you're uninformed.

Fortunately, 67 yo Chuck got informed.

Otherwise, he'd be rotting in a casket.

He wrote to me to share his eye-popping story. 

"I was diagnosed as a Type II diabetic in 1996," he writes. "Since then, my doctor has added high cholesterol, and I had a kidney stone in 2000. He wanted me to start using a daily injection to control diabetes. By early 2009, I had to start injections. We went through several medicines, the latest of which is Victosa. In 2011 he started me on using Lantus (insulin) in the evenings to control my morning fasting blood sugar."

Time out.

Lets recap.

Years of using drugs without any positive results leads to what?

More drugs.

Sounds about right...typical doctor leveraging his patient as a cash cow for maximum profit.

Reality check: When drugs fail, more drugs aren't the solution.

Assaulting Him With Prescriptions Left and Right...

After Chuck's doctor bounced him around from one medication to the next, "trying" to cure his diabetes and other health issues, Chuck smartened up.

"I had run against the top of the recommended dosages of Actos and Metformin and my doctor wanted me to increase the amount of my injections. I just kept seeing the prices and doses going up as my blood sugar got worse. I knew there had to be a better way."

The People's Chemist Delivers!

"Shane's quotes and references to medical journals and other articles (
New York Times and others) got my attention," he says. "Even the pharmaceutical companies don't have references like you do."

“I also saw somewhere Shane's comment pointing out that a 1-minute commercial for a drug contains 15 seconds of how good the medication is for you, followed by 45 seconds of nasty side effects you'll get with it. That's when I decided I didn't need to risk getting the side effects."

Unlike the worthless meds his doctor prescribed, Chuck started seeing desirable results from my natural medicine.

"My blood pressure readings were getting high and I was afraid that the doctor would prescribe something for high blood pressure. So I tried Cardio FX. After about a month on Cardio FX, my pressure was consistently below 135/xx and I noticed my pulse rate had lowered a bit too."

Now, instead of being assaulted by side effects, Chuck is piling on the benefits from using NATURAL medicine.

These are benefits you can MEASURE and SEE!

This is Just the Beginning...

The People's Chemist is often a STARTING POINT for those who want to ditch the prescription meds. But it's not a cure-all. For best results, you must implement better lifestyle habits.

Chuck ultimately ditched the diabetes drugs, and began taking Cinnergy, Whey Advanced and Cardio FX.

Overall the biggest benefits he noticed were:

1) No more needles or diabetic meds!
2) My eyesight seemed to improve.
3) My blood pressure readings are lower.
4) I lost about 25 pounds.

For every action there's a reaction.

Prescription drugs are the #1 killer in the USA.

Action: Use a drug as prescribed

Reaction: Bad shit can happen

For hundreds of years, natural medicine has proven safe and effective

Action: Use natural medicine

Reaction: Live young

Start by making your heart youthful and strong with Cardio FX. It nourishes your entire cardiovascular system so your heart doesn't have to work so hard. It safely lowers blood pressure and gives your doctor one less reason to pimp you out as a cash cow.

I'm on a rampage to help others become informed and avoid drugs. To further push you to live young, I'm giving away my SECRET HEALTH FILES FOR FREE!

$97 BONUS! Willful ignorance is the primary fuel behind Western Medicine putting convincing us we are old and sick. To stop this, I'm throwing in my Secret Health Files for FREE with all 3-pack orders of Cardio FX. That means you get 15% off the Joint FX and I'll throw in 4 hours of education on secret cures, absolutely free. This is a very simple course, with each track lasting only 10 minutes! Offer ends in 24 hours!
Shane Ellison, MS
The People's Chemist

The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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