Subject: ~Aubrey's Brother Was Nice Enough to Give Her a Haircut!

The People's Chemist
Skyler (My 4 YO) Was Not Qualified to Cut His Sister's Hair...Most Aren't Qualified to Know That Vitamin D is F@#cking Bad For You!
Here's my little princess, Aubrey.  She's stretching for her gymnastics class.  Notice the hair...

Oddly, she's the lightest child I've ever held, while being the strongest. Plus, she has the balance of a cat.  

Oh yea and she can out climb her 4 year old brother any day of the week.

But apparently, there was one problem…a problem that nobody else seemed to notice, except for Skyler. Her hair was blindingly long.

Being the gentleman that he is, Skyler decided to corner her in his room and give her a haircut.

Enter the bangs.

...when you’re not qualified to do something and do it anyway, you f@#ck things up.

…and that’s pretty much what’s going on with The Vitamin D Council and their push for “vitamin D.”

The Vitamin D Council has every American, including new born babies, convinced that they don’t have optimal levels of “vitamin D.” And because no amount of sunshine will create those levels, you’re forced into overdosing on a sh@t sandwich -  one loaded with drugs disguised as vitamin D2 and D3, which are vastly different “biochemically” than food or sunshine-derived vitamin D in your body.

In other words, nobody needs vitamin D pills in place of sunshine, but they’ve got a “test” that convinces you otherwise.

Stop being the FOOL!  

Telling us that we need exorbitant levels of 25-D lurking in our blood, by choking down a man-made pill is like throwing caution to the wind and arrogantly implying you’re more powerful than the sun.

Wait, I can actually relate to that. 

I wish I could inhale the sweet smoke of tobacco without trashing my lungs.

I wish MDMA didn’t melt neurotransmitter production.

I wish my kids realized how imagination trumps education to exceed all teachers expectations.

I wish I could drink my body weight in tequila and wake up feeling refreshed, ready to eat a bullshit sandwich without puking.

But it’s impossible. 

And every now and then, a large group of scientists intervene for a reality check. 

Enter the Institute of Medicine (IOM).

Commissioning a full-fledged investigation by the Tufts Evidence-based Practice Center, the IOM asked experts to look at all the available vitamin D science to date and measure the validity of the vitamin D claims. 

After a meticulous examination, the report’s conclusion stated that, “the majority of the findings concerning vitamin D, calcium, or a combination of both nutrients on the different health outcomes were inconsistent.”

As a chemist, working in Big Pharma, I can tell you first hand that pill pushing tyrants don’t go down easy…and they don’t take to science easily, either…

They always fight back with their own version of BS.

And the vitamin D council is doing so by inventing a new disease known as “Vitamin D Deficiency Syndrome,” or VDDS.

According to Dr. Cannell, VDDS exists for anyone with 25-D blood levels equal to or less than 25ng/ml who also have two or more of the following conditions: osteoporosis, heart disease, hypertension, autoimmune diseases, certain cancers, depression, chronic fatigue or chronic pain. And since sunshine won’t help you meet this artificial level, most of us are going to qualify as patients based on the faulty, 25-D blood test.

Dr. Cannell has been sniffing pharmaceutical cotton for so long, he thinks his shit don’t stink. 

Did you know that Cannell’s previous gig was as a psychiatrist in a hospital for the criminally insane? 

Now you do. 

Psychiatrists are master disease branders and drug pushers. It’s no surprise that once you’re diagnosed deficient by his standards, he’ll sell you his own “vitamin danger” as, “Dr. Cannell’s Advanced D.”

Truth be told, vitamin D2 and D3 are man-made drugs, suitable for rat poison, not vitamins. And the University of Colorado reminded the scientific community of this danger when they published, “In fact, baits containing large quantities of vitamin D are used very effectively as rodenticides (rat poison).”

Popular poisons Quintox and Rampage prove this. They contain less than 8 percent vitamin D per serving and will kill a rat in 1 to 4 days, which means vitamin D wouldn’t make it past clinical trials if it were treated like the drug it is, which is why they package it as a vitamin!

Stop being the fool!

Whoops, I already said that...

When ingested, synthetic vitamin D products mobilize calcium from the bones into its bloodstream, producing hypercalcemia, kidney failure, central nervous system depression and heart failure – all signs of parathyroid dysfunction. Pigs fed vitamin D3 in doses equivalent to human intake suffer the same fate! And humans aren’t immune to “D danger.”

Nutritionists and alternative med docs are unaware. Mercola and Male cheerleader turned nutrition guru, Johnny Bowden (Whoops, I spelled his name wrong.), prove it. 

Vitamin D pills are their crown jewels, and they both like “bromancing the Dr. Cannell stone.” They often use statistical contortionism to push vitamin D as a non-toxic cure-all, akin to water! 

They don’t understand that, unlike water, it’ s a “cumulative poison;” meaning that it’s absorbed by fat cells and festers internally for months. It’s called bio-accumulation. And that’s where small, daily ingestion becomes dangerous, the repeated use over time gives way to side effects – death in slow motion. Water on the other hand gets passed through readily after used, and doesn’t snuggle into the far away corners of our fat cells.

Nutrition clowns who abandon science to join the vitamin D circus always miss that.

Writing for the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology Metabolism, scientists showed that vitamin D consumption, decreases parathyroid function and may depress bone turnover to some degree. Trevor Marshall, PhD, professor at Australia’s Murdoch University School of Biological Medicine and Biotechnology demonstrated that it suppresses the immune system, concluding that, “The comprehensive studies are just not showing that supplementary vitamin D makes people healthier.”

Fortunately, when produced by our skin, in response to sunshine, the intelligence of our hormonal system protects us from toxicity by rapidly breaking down the vitamin D-like compounds, which is why nobody has ever been damaged by sun-induced production. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for oral ingestion of the franken-chemicals, D2 and D3.

If not sunny, you’ll survive! The future of our survival and the human race will survive with only seasonal sunshine…
Bullshit logic or nutrient logic? Pills made in a lab, or sunshine? You decide.

Make sure you only let qualified people give you pill advice, not pharmaceutical puppets.

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Want a 100% botanical supplement that's going to ward off cancer, boost immunity and maximize your memory for life?  Get Daily Dose at - Ignore this call to action at your own risk!  

The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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