Subject: ~Attn Moms: Fake Vaccine News


All news is fake. Today’s New York Times headline is no exception. Not
only is it fake, it’s dangerous.

Titled, “Pregnant Mothers Need Whooping Cough Vaccine,” the Times
quotes scientist Dr. Nicola P. Klein. Enthusiastically, she insists that “every
woman should receive the Tdap during every pregnancy. Whooping cough
is a potentially deadly disease, and this vaccine protects your baby.”

I'm all for safe vaccines and their proper use...but when the lamestream
media makes blatant lies, I can't look away...

Dig below the surface and you’ll find this is an advertisement disguised
as an article - more propaganda to flood out the millions of voices now
questioning vaccines. The article conveniently left out that Tdap is only
approved by the FDA as a booster shot for 11 year olds. Additionally, the
vaccine insert is very explicit in its’ warning to moms, “Animal
reproduction studies have not been conducted.”

There’s more.

Dr. Klein receives 100% of her funding from vaccine makers Sanofi and
GlaxoSmithKline. Her conflicts of interest are obvious looking at the
design of the study. She didn’t report or follow up for side effects.
Worse, there wasn’t a placebo group to compare vaccine effectiveness and
safety. She simply jabbed moms, then monitored for whooping cough outbreak.
(Without a placebo, there’s no way to tell if infection was even a risk
for newborns, under moms natural immunity.)

A quick history lesson proves that natural immunity trumps vaccines.
Between 1900 and 1935, mortality rates due to whooping cough dropped by 79
percent in the United States. Yet, the vaccine (DTP and DTaP) wasn’t
introduced until 1940.

Today, those who have been “immunized” for pertussis are the most
susceptible to whooping cough as verified by numerous outbreaks.
Researchers with the CDC publicly stated in 2002 that,
“the number of infants dying from whooping cough is rising, despite
record high vaccination levels.”

In 2009, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution recognized the trend too. In the
article titled, “Whooping Cough Vaccine not as Powerful as Thought,” the
publication highlighted a recent cluster of 18 whooping cough-infected students.
Seventeen of those students – 95% of those infected – had been
immunized with five doses of DTaP vaccine.

In addition to lack of efficacy, the vaccine comes with serious risk.
According to one of the studies sponsors themselves, Sanofi, adverse
events include, “idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, SIDS, anaphylactic
reaction, cellulitis, autism, convulsion/grand mal convulsion, encephalopathy,
hypotonia, neuropathy, somnolence and apnea.” Listed smack dab in the
vaccine insert, this is a warning to all moms to err on the side of caution and
skip the shot!

Learn more about protecting the whole family in Over-The-Counter
Natural Cures Expanded at

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Looking for a major boost in natural immunity? Check out