Subject: Aspirin Vid Garners More Hate Mail..."You're a Racist"

The Jew Bayer Doesn't Want You to Know About...

This was the announcement for my latest expose on Aspirin.

And it riled the religious zealots like no other – people fanatically committed to
making the rest of us believe their bullshit, or burn in hell.

Furious, they attempted to cajole me into publishing curse-free material
and to "stop being a racist."

Hate mail and blog comments flooded in, anonymously of course.

"I've hated your cussing since I found you and now it's terrible to learn
that you're a racist, too. Using the word Jew was the last straw for me..."

You would’ve thought I ripped out their spine and used it to uncork my
bottle of my 2001 Masi Costasera Amarone Della Valpolicella Classico.

Please, let me help you.

From Merriam-Webster (that's a f@#cking dictionary BTW) we see that
the word Jew means, "one whose religion is Judaism."

Let me be even more clear.

I never use my acuity or profanity to attack or injure a readers’ sense of
dignity…at least not all the time.

God made me. And I’ve been cussing ever since. All the while, I’ve
excelled as a scholar, survived a collegiate wrestling scholarship with
mediocre skills, memorized every Tupac lyric, raised four bright kids and
been wildly in love with my wife since we met 22 years ago.

My cussing hasn’t caused me to skip a beat…Online trolls are the same
people in life who wish to preach to you, censor you and judge you.

Get those people out of your I'm getting them out of my business, lol

Now, about that Aspirin video.

It wasn’t about choosing “the right words.”

It wasn’t about kow-towing to an invisible status quo.

It was about exposing pharmaceuticals as “harmaceuticals.”

For 100 years Bayer has been laying the ground work for One Nation
Under Meds. Using Aspirin as the template, they've successfully medicated
50% of the population to death...

Send me a thank you card.

Take 8 minutes to judge for yourself:

Dare to Live Young

The People's Chemist

P.S. Share the video, post your comments!