Subject: ~Aspirin: The Jew Bayer Doesn't Want You to Know About....

If you don't know the story of aspirin, then you don't know how Big Pharma
is swindling you with prescription drugs and vaccines...

All lies. Beyond what you would imagine, even.

To free yourself from pharmaceutical tyranny, you need to take
8 minutes to watch my new vid:

Subscribe to my YouTube channel and comment! Once I hit 70K
subscribers (almost there), I'll celebrate with a massive sale.

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Most people are too complacent and weak to make a difference...even
when it could save their own lives or that of their children!

They don't question labels. They don't question their kids education. They
don't question their doctors. This has been the stated goals of the medical-industrial complex: to make the masses eat sh#t and never question it. Congrats,
most of you have been converted. For the select few who can still stand
on their own feet, make sure you watch and comment:

P.P.S. Essential Greens is sold out. Please refrain from emailing to ask when
it will be back. We are trying!

My all-natural pain reliever, Relief FX is on sale, but only for the next few
minutes, literally! Save 20% here: