Subject: ~Arnold Pukes When Looking at Himself..I Puke Looking At Him.

Arnold Pukes When Looking at Himself..I Puke Looking At Him
Arnold Schwarzenegger is considered by many to be a "legend" when it comes to health and fitness. He's been hailed as the godfather of weightlifting, the epitome of bodybuilding, and is looked upon as "inspirational."

Frankly, I never liked him.

In fact, fuck that guy.

Not only did he inject more steroids than anyone in the universe…but he also set his own unattainable standard of strength, which gave rise to a massive ‘roid culture in our country.

The fruits of that culture were ultimately pre-mature death among teens and adults…increased violence due to roided out meatheads losing their shit…and an unprecedented amount of weightlifters sporting the dreaded "man boobs" later in life.

Arnold spawned all of that. This guy isn't a role model…he's is a purveyor of the worst, unhealthiest habits. He's the king of douche bags.

Look closely and today you'll see him sporting a floppy set of man boobs. That's the inevitable fate of any guy who engages in poor lifestyle habits for too long.

(But just do more reps, and it'll all be OK, right?)

Proof: Recently he was quoted as saying, "When I look in the mirror, I throw up."

Well guess what, Governator? So do others!

Sadly, scores of morons have followed in Arnold's footsteps…over-training at the gym, abusing their bodies, obsessing about gaining mass…all while chugging Franken-protein powders and having fucked up hormones. They look and feel like shit years later. Am I supposed to admire that?

"I was already so critical of myself, even when I was in top physical shape…I'd look in the mirror after I won one Mr. Olympia after another and think, ‘How did this pile of s*** win?" Arnold said.

I wondered the same thing when he became governor of California.

He was a piece of shit politician….and now says "I puke when I look at myself."

This is exactly why those in power are such jokes. They're insecure bitches who care only about their egos and their position of power, not the people they serve.

Who knows how many lives Arnold indirectly wrecked by "inspiring" young weightlifters to chase after endless size and unattainable standards?

If you have the wrong approach, no amount of pumping iron will cure that.

Getting roided out won't give you your best physique…all it will do is prematurely age you.

If you want to learn how to exercise properly, use AMPM Fat Loss.

AMPM Fat Loss is my bestselling program, designed to get users their best physique in 90 days or less. It's based on the one simple health standard that rises above all else: HORMONE BALANCE, OUTPUT, AND SENSITIVITY.

AMPM Fat Loss isn't about setting unattainable goals that cause you to never be happy with your body…f&@k that.

Instead, it's about mastering your hormones, so you can live young. By following the simple protocol outlined in AMPM Fat Loss, you'll achieve your BEST PHYSIQUE…whatever that might look like, FOR YOU.

Not one single AMPM user has ever reported "throwing up after looking at themselves"…instead they tell me how amazing they feel.

See before & after pics…and get started at

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. AMPM Fat Loss demolishes man boobs! It blasts fat in places you never wanted fat to cling to! It gets you your best physique, naturally. Plus, it helps build lean sexy muscle mass — not the disproportional kind that jack asses on fitness magazines flaunt — but the kind that will make your spouse suddenly want to chase you around the bedroom more often. It only works if you read and follow the instructions…Get started here:

The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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